2. fight

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It was lunchtime, but ofc I can't go set with everyone else there because they never listen to the teacher and still take pics without asking, it just gets annoying sometimes when everyone is sitting there observing every move you make. The class was finally empty. well, except for the one next to me, I looked over at him confused before I remembered he's famous too he probably has the same problem. I sigh and opened my phone to check all the updates Mum sends me since she knows I can't check my emails during school, all of them were pretty normal, some were about business meetings with Dad, others were about her club with her or family gatherings at the end of the week, I went through them all quickly until I came across the last one that made me chock on my own breath.

_ You have an acting audition tomorrow. _

'' WHAT THE FUCK '' I shouted forgetting I am not alone in the classroom. I saw Hyunjin flinch, but I wasn't sure maybe I just shocked him with the outburst. I ignored him and went to my contacts to search for my mum's number. She finally picked up after the 7th ring 

'' what the hell mum?'' I half shouted.

'' lower your voice.'' she snapped. 

'' okay, I'm sorry just explain to me what this is and why are you telling me about this ONE day before.''

'' not now, I'm busy, I'll tell Mia to send you an email with all the details, I won't be back today so see you tomorrow at dinner after your audition. I am expecting you to be there on time or you know what will happen,'' she replied with a stern voice to remind me of the last time I didn't follow her orders.

''see you then mother.'' I said before hanging up.

I was stressed about this more than I should be, I mean they did mention it in Infront of me a couple of times, but I didn't expect them to be serious about it. unconsciously I started pulling at my hair, I tend to do that a lot lately and only notice after my head starts hurting really badly which it is right now.

'' If you don't stop you will end up bald'' said the voice next to me, I turned my head to look over at Hyunjin.

'' if I were you, I'd mind my own shit'' That's a lie, but he doesn't need to know that.

'' I am just saying '' he shrugged. but I did not miss the disgusted look he gave me.

'' you know what I'm done with you '' I said while standing up from my place and threw a punch at him. he didn't have time to react before I pushed him off his chair and he fell to the ground, I didn't pat him an eye and just left the class without looking back.


I didn't see him for the rest of the day, nor did I want to, it was finally time to drive so I said goodbye to Minho, we made plans to go to Distract9 together tomorrow before school.

I walked to my car where the driver was standing, once he saw me he opened the door and waited, but I saw Hyunjin approaching him, did he mistake my driver for his or what? wtf? why is the driver letting him inside the car? this bitch is getting fired.

'' what are you doing'' I said looking between the two of them.

''your mother called and told me Mr. Hwang will be going home with you.'' the driver replied with a respectful yet scared voice. let's just say I am not as nice at home as I am in school.

after I heard that I opened the chat between me and mum only to see that, in fact, he's coming with me to help me 'practice' acting. my ass I have been faking and acting since I was born she really thinks I can't handle a fucking acting audition, who am I kidding tho, she wants me to act in a series or a movie it's not just an audition. I walked to the car without saying anything else, the ride home was too quiet I almost forgot there was someone else in the car. not for too long tho. 

'' do you have water or anything I can eat I feel like I am gonna pass out'' he broke the silence, but his voice was too weak. 

I didn't reply, I did look around the car for anything tho, but I didn't find anything. we are 5 minutes away from my house so hopefully he can hold on until then. in those minutes I kept looking at him to make sure he is still conscious, I know he didn't eat lunch, so I was a bit worried.

we finally arrived, I let Hyunjin walk first and me behind him just in case (143) until we reached the gate. since I am supposed to guide him to my room, He can't walk in front anymore, so he stopped suddenly making me bump into his back. 

'' shit '' I cursed under my breath. ''c'mon let's get this done with.'' I took his hand and walked us to my room. the problem is, I forgot he acted in one of my favorite shows which means my walls are kinda covered with his pictures, by kinda I mean he is a part of every poster on my wall. the other problem is. we are already in the room and he's standing in front of me. smirking if I may add.

'' don't flatter yourself. being a good actor doesn't make me hate you any less'' I glared at him, something I found myself doing really often since I saw him this morning.

''Whatever you say'' he said still smirking but his weak voice reminded me why I walked us here in the first place. I walked over to my nightstand where I have some protein bars hidden just in case Mum got angry again. I took two bars one for each of us since I haven't eaten either, I am just used to going long periods without food. I threw one at him to catch and sat down on my bed to eat mine. not really paying attention to him. 

a minute later I noticed the bed moving and Hyunjin sitting next to me. I unscrewed a bottle of water for myself to drink and made a mental note to buy another one soon. I was about to put the bottle down when Hyunjin took it from my hand to drink. I was a little surprised but assumed he just doesn't care about drinking after others.

'' so should we get started'' his annoying voice is back. great.

'' no '' I replied. not giving one walking shit about what he has to teach me. who would? I know I can act and I don't even want to if it wasn't for my mum I would have kicked him a long time ago.

'' then why am I here?'' he's mad but I don't care. I just ignored him and stood up to go take a shower, he was quick to follow my movement and pulled my hand making me fall into the bed with him above me his eyes staring into my soul.


cliff hanger? I am sorry :)))

words count: 1232 

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