The Re-Sorting Ceremony

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Lila took a deep breath as she entered the great hall for the first time in almost a year; the candles in the air still amaze her to this day. She got a quick glimpse at the Slytherin table as she sat down at the Hufflepuff table, smiling a bit at her friends and wondering how this year was going to pan out. There was no more Lord Voldemort to torment her family, no more running with Harry to do the most ridiculous things, and no more worrying about her dad spying for the order. It was going to be a year to remember. The year where everything went her way

A few minutes into catching up with her friends, the room went silent. Eyes watched as Mattheo Riddle walked into the great hall. Mattheo didn't seem the least bit bothered by everyone staring; he just seemed tense. Whispers erupted as he walked past the Gryffindor table. Nobody expected him to show up, but he did. Lila caught herself staring at him. She had always tried to see the good in him, but every time she would stick up for him, he was there to do something horrible in return. Lila snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Mattheo looking back, smirking. The stares stopped when Headmaster McGonnagal cleared her throat and smiled, "Welcome back to another fabulous year at Hogwarts. I know that some of you may be skeptical of coming back this year, but I assure you that there are new security measures in place to ensure nothing but your safety, which moves me on to my next thing. This year we will be doing something different to promote inner house unity. If you would all line up, I think it's time to resort to all of you. She stepped down, holding the sorting hat in her hand.

Everyone looked at her gasping; some boos came from the Gryffindor table; Ravenclaw looked like their hearts dropped; Slytherin smirked a bit; but some of them looked worried, like they would be sorted somewhere else; and Hufflepuff accepted it, but not Lila. Eventually they all lined up, and the ceremony began.

McGonagall smiled and grabbed her long list of names.

"Harry Potter" Harry jumped up and took a deep breath, sitting down as the Sorting Hat made its decision: "SLYTHERIN!" Everyone looked at him in shock. Harry Potter in Slytherin was certainly going to be an interesting year. As the ceremony went on, she watched all of her close friends be split up. Hermione was put in Ravenclaw; Neville got to stay in Gryffindor with Ron; Ginny was put in Slytherin; Luna got sorted into Hufflepuff; Draco got to stay in Slytherin; and Theo got put in Gryffindor. But what about her?

Lila fidgeted with her hands as she heard her name called. She felt like, in that moment, she was going to pass out, like everything she had ever worked for was going to be gone in the blink of an eye. Seven years worth of memories could be gone, and she did everything she could to hold herself together, but she couldn't; it felt like her chest was about to cave in. Lila looked around the room, her vision getting blurry, and just as she was about to make it up to the sorting hat, she ran. She ran as fast as she could and didn't look back even when her name was being called by her friends. Her best friend, Draco, ran after her, trying to catch up to her.

"Lila!" Draco called after her as he caught up to her, grabbing her arm and pulling her in for a hug, letting her cry it out. "Six years worth of memories. They're about to be gone. I don't like this Draco. He interrupted her as he squeezed her tighter: "I know..but look at it this way, we're all still here. We're here no matter what, and we're never leaving. You will always be our huffelpuff through and through." Lila smiled a bit and nodded. "You're right, and no matter what house I get put in, I know I'll be fine." She was feeling better now, although she still had a crowd of people waiting for her inside.

Lila walked back up to the same stool she sat on her first time here and accepted it was time for a change, and if McGonnagall thought this was how it was supposed to happen, then this was what was best for everyone.

"Lila Lupin, it has been awhile since I have sorted you, and that means you have changed a lot since your first year. I will have to say,SLYTHERIN," what the fuck? All she could do was sit here in nothing but pure and utter shock. Slyhterin? She looked up at Harry and Ginny, who welcomed her to her new table with open arms.

Towards the end of the name, Lila disappeared into her own mind, trying to think of why she got moved here. Certainly she didn't belong here, and certainly the hat made a mistake. How could this happen to her? Why did she come back? She tried her best to keep her head held high and to calm down, but she felt like everybody was against her. She was snapped back into reality when she looked over at her cousin, who went from laughing and talking with Blaise and Ginny to staring past her with a hateful look on his face.

"Harry, who are you?" It wasn't long until she heard the chuckle beside her, and she felt her heart stop and her body tighten up. "Well, Lupin, it looks like you can't get rid of me," he said as he smirked at her, looking her up and down. "Well, Riddle, if you would just please leave me be, that would be very appreciated. I don't have the nerve to put up with you tormenting me all year." Her tone was harsh, but it helped her get to her point, and by the time he opened his mouth to say something back, she was gone.

Lila knew that this year wasn't going to be easy, and she knew that this would be the year that makes and breaks everything, but she wasn't going to let a couple setbacks define her whole year. She knew she had to be strong, and she knew that in order to survive, she was going to have to adapt, and she knew it would have to be fast because if she let Riddle control how she felt every time he walked in the room, she'd be fucked, and that isn't what she wanted.

When Lila got up to her dorm room, she thought she was in the clear, but when she opened the door, it was probably the loudest she had ever screamed.

"RIDDLE!? "What are you doing?" She felt a hand go over her mouth as he pulled her in and shut the door, grinding his teeth a bit. "If you would have stayed longer instead of getting offended by my presence, half breed, you would know us eighth years are being put into dorms by twos and that boys and girls would be mixed together, so, short shit, get used to me." Lila couldn't even protest, just accept it as she nodded a bit. "Then I guess I will try to give you a chance and be your friend," she said softly as he smiled and nodded. "I'd like that." He stepped closer to her, and before she could say anything else, he did what he had wanted to do all night. He kissed her, and it turns out she didn't think kissing him was so bad either.

Author's Note: Hello guys, I know, second chapter, and they're already making out, but everything in this story happens for a reason, so please give it a chance. Trust me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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