014. mine

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"OKAY IN ALL seriousness milo i just figured out that u like me back when i'm DELUSIONAL over you, meet me in 10 at in n out."

"yes ma'am" milo replied and once the girl hung up she touched up her makeup and ran outside into her car to go too the in n out she told him to.

she made it there in less than 5 minutes even though the drive was at least 15.

she went through the door and saw no sign of milo so she went to an empty booth, sat down, and placed her fingers on the table, taping them anxiously.

the taller boy arrived short minutes after that and smiled once he placed his eyes on the girl.

"hi j" "hi mi" they both shared.

milo sat down, and grabbed her hand which even though he was trying too help her heart from bursting, it was getting closer to doing that.

"soooooo, what are we gonna make us after confessing?" milo asked.

"anything you want" the girl stuttered.

"you lowkey kinda cute when ur nervous because u stutter" he laughed.

"shut up!" she defended.

"yeahyeah, butttttt jj will you be my girlfriend please i want to call u mine" milo finally asked.

it was like fire works were shooting from above because the girl had never said yes more fast in her life.

they both got up and out of the booth, jj grabbed milos' hand and dragged him out the door, once they had reached a non blocking way, she jumped up onto her tiptoes and..

there lips connected.

one more chapter lols 🫣🫣

sorry i just love short books and i hate massive plots.

okay byeeee


delusional , milo manheimWhere stories live. Discover now