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A scream ringing out startled Novalee out of her trance, it was still dark outside, and the screaming didn't stop, she recognized that scream.

It was Sidney, but what was she doing home? She was supposed to be at Tatums for a sleepover.

Novalee stood up from her bed, leaving fat Louis on the bed, he was sleeping, unbothered by Sidney blood curling screams.

She walked over to her bedroom door and opened the door, walking out, and into the hallway, where Sidney was standing outside of their mother's room,

A hand over her mouth as she kept screaming, and Novalee walked over to her, standing next to her.

Maureen laid perfectly still in the middle of her bed, her eyes wide open, her face stuck in a screaming position, blood splattered on her pale skin, her blood stained her white gown along with the bed sheets.

She looked slightly peaceful like that even though she was dead.

"..Mom's dead." Novalee quietly said, turning to look at Sidney who sobbed, and Sidney turned to look at her.

"Oh God!"

[Novalee's outfit]

-[Novalee's outfit]-

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"..Novalee, did you hear anything at the time your mother was murdered?" Dwight "Dewey" Riley questioned, Novalee who was sitting in a chair next to his desk at the police station,

Sidney had called the cops after snapping out of her shock, and the two sisters were taken to the police station where they were being questioned.

"..No. i didn't." Novalee spoke, her voice quiet, and Sidney looked at her in disbelief,

"How can you hear nothing while mom was being murdered in a room one down from yours?" Sidney questioned, and novalee turned to look at her,

"I was sleeping, " She lied, "your screams are what woke me up."

"Mom was probably screaming for help, and you just, what? You were just sleeping?" Sidney shook her head,

Novalee narrowed her eyes at her, "yes, I was sleeping because the house was supposed to be empty tonight, just me and fat Louis."

Dewey cleared his throat, confusion written clear as day on his expression, "You were alone? Sidney wasn't with you?"

Novalee turned to look at him, nodding her head, "Yeah. Sidney was supposed to be over at Tatum's house for a sleepover, dad's was supposed to late coming home,"

"He said, he'll probably be back by sunrise, and mom was supposed to be on some business trip, leaving me alone at home for the night,"

"I fell asleep," she sent a look towards Sidney, "while watching a movie, I never turned off the TV, and the TV was loud, so I didn't hear anything."

"Sidney, why did you come when you were supposed to be at Tatums for the night?" Dewey questioned, and Sidney sniffles, teary eyed,

"I don't remember..God, how could this of happened, who could've killed her?" Sidney questioned,

Novalee knew exactly who killed her but she didn't know the reason why. She didn't understand why she was covering for Billy and Stu.

It was always liked that, whenever Billy and Stu would do something they shouldn't, Novalee would always cover them, lie for them, but this was different.

She was covering for a murder this time. She needed to act normal, and she needed to act like Billy and Stu weren't murderers.

How hard can it be?


Word count 556

Very short chapter


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