eating outside together

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Baekhyun's eyes light up as he lets out a little chuckle to himself. "I guess I'll be sparing some reading time for this guy again."

" Yeah, sure! Where do you want to eat..? " Baekhyun sends the message as he stares at the chat, curious on where would Chanyeol might be taking him.

" How about the ramyeon restaurant down the street? "

Oh, thank the heavens above! Suddenly, Baekhyun is currently craving for some ramyeon right now.

" Sure, that sounds great! "

With one click of a finger, the message has been sent.

And Baekhyun had already found himself a date on the same day he met the boy.


Chanyeol is just queuing up the line to order food, at the same time also reading Baekhyun's newest message.

"He's actually coming." Chanyeol chuckles to himself, as he puts his phone back to his pockets.

And a small smile would curl up on the tall boy's face.

The line in front of him had finally cleared up, and he goes on to order good and beverages. After choosing, he would go pick a spot at the corner; a place he had somehow found comfortable.

He would wait patiently for Baekhyun, as he slowly realizes that his heart rate had started to accelerate.

But why is his heart beating so fast over a simple dinner with a new friend?

Chanyeol shakes off the thoughts once again before letting out a sigh, continuing to stare at his phone. Sure enough, he would feel a tap on his shoulder.

"Hi! You're Chanyeol, right?" A familiar voice spoke behind him, and Chanyeol immediately knew who it was.

He turned around to see Baekhyun waving at him, a smile being plastered on his face.

"Yeah, that's me!" Chanyeol lets out a smile as he points at the seat in front of him. "Feel free to sit over there.."

Baekhyun would comply, sitting carefully on the seat. He wouldn't want to embarrass himself in front of his new friend on their first hangout..

..There was only an awkward silence for a while.

And Chanyeol decided to break the silence.

"So.. How was your day?" He reluctantly asks, thinking of a topic suitable for a conversation with the brunette boy in front of him.

"Oh, nothing much. Just reading some novels, and also finishing up some assignments.."

Chanyeol quietly nods, he knows deep down that he was getting intrigued by the topic.

"Oh? What kind of novels do you read?" He tilts his head slightly, trying to not come off as a nosy and inquisitive person.

Baekhyun was a bit taken aback by the question, but quickly flashes the red haired boy a smile.

"I don't want to sound cheesy for saying this, but I really like reading romance novels.." Baekhyun nervously answers, still keeping the smile on his face.

Chanyeol lets out a little chuckle to himself after hearing his answer. "I don't blame you for liking them, they're actually pretty decent."

Their little conversation would continue on until their food would arrive.

Baekhyun had informed Chanyeol that he would usually have a runny nose when he eats, and apologized for the inconvenience even before the food had arrived.

Chanyeol could find himself being attracted to the brunette boy, and he couldn't help but like the feeling.

"I'm definitely falling in love with this guy."


After eating out, Chanyeol would decide that it would be a great idea to follow Baekhyun back to his own apartment.

..Of course, with his consent.

"Thanks, Chanyeol, I really appreciate your invitation tonight." Baekhyun seemed pretty full from eating all of those food and beverages..

"It's fine, it was a great experience to eat out with you." Chanyeol waves it off as he smiles in the process.

Baekhyun would smile back at Chanyeol, as a thought occurs in his head.

"So, I already told you about myself, so why don't you open up about yourself this time?"

The sentence took Chanyeol by surprise, as he recovers from the shock.

"So, you want to know about me?" He lets out a little chuckle to himself as he continues to speak.

"Hm, I like singing and I've always been fond of instruments.. It's one of the reasons why I major in the music department."

"Ooh, that's cool!" Baekhyun was definitely astonished, although he could see the taller being an idol..

After quite a long walk and climbing the stairs, Baekhyun would stop on his tracks, before pulling out a key to his apartment.

"Alright, we're finally here."

Baekhyun would unlock the door to the apartment, andbChanyeol could not help but be filled with amazement as he looks around the place.

"Woah, you were really telling the truth when you said that you have a collection of romance novels everywhere.."

Baekhyun smiles after hearing that. "Oh well, they're really entertaining, so why not collect them in the process?"

Chanyeol's gaze were transfixed on a certain picture frame on the brunette's desk.

Instinctively, he would pick them up to find Baekhyun and another person he doesn't recognize.

"Hm, who's this?" Chanyeol turns to Baekhyun as he shows him the picture frame he's currently holding.

"Oh, that's Luhan. We're really close to each other."

Chanyeol could feel his stomach starting to churn..

"But he's just my bestfriend. Besides, he already has a boyfriend."

Nevermind, he's feeling totally fine now.

"Anyways, aren't you going back to your place now?" Baekhyun asks as he cleans up the mess on his desk.

"Ah, right." Chanyeol looks at the time on his phone.

It's currently 11:49 PM.

"Well, I'll see you soon then!" Chanyeol waves at Baekhyun, the latter waving back at him in the process.

The taller would leave the apartment, closing the door behind him before slowly, a blush would be starting to appear on his face.

"What have you done to me, Byun Baekhyun?"

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