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Chapter one


"MONROE, IF YOU DON'T GET ON THIS TRAIN NOW, IM GOING IN WITHOUT YOU." William yelled as people moved around him at the crowded train platform, the boy waiting for his sister to bid her goodbyes to their parents.

Azalea rolled her eyes at her sings constant impatience and pulled her daughter into a tight hug, "We shall see you at Christmas, ams you shall write. I must know everything this year brings you."

Monroe pulled away and smiled at her mother and nodded in agreement, the woman kissing the top of her head as a final goodbye - for now - as she looked towards her father, Malcolm Taylor, the man looking bored and emotionless as always, as he gave her a curt nod, Monroe nodded back knowing that was the most she would get from him, and walked away, saying one last farewell to her mother as she walked towards William the boy sighing in relief that he could stop the waiting around as he walked onto the train, Monroe following shortly behind as the two kept their eyes out for the compartments that contained their friends.

Eventually, William found a his friends, his fellow seventh years Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Black, he said a quick goodbye to his sister, saying he'd see her soon as Monroe sighed and went to continue to look for her friends.

The narrow hall was now much emptier as the train grew closer to its departure, but she was yet to locate her friend, her head turning from side to side, glancing in every compartment, which meant she wasn't paying attention to in front of her, and as a result of that, she collided head first with a strong something.

She would've fallen backwards onto the grimy floor of the train, if not for the arms that quickly wrapped around her waist, keeping her off of the ground as the put her back on her balance.

"A bit clumsy aren't you, Taylor?" The blonde rolled her eyes at the familiarly aggravating voice that came from the boy that had stopped her fall, James Potter, she shoved his hands off from around her waist with a disgusted shiver as she said, "Don't put your grimy hands on me, Potter."

The Gryffindor boy scoffed and looked at Monroe shocked, "Well you could at least thank me. I just saved you from a most likely painful fall onto the floor. Oh yes but if course the words 'thank you' aren't in your vocabulary, are they?"

She just rolled her eyes, not even bothering to respond to James as she shoved past him and continued her walk down the hallway, making the brunette scoff as he walked into the compartment where his friends currently sat, sitting down besides Sirius Black and saying, "That girl makes me want to jump off the castle. Bloody Slytherins, no matters, all of them."


MONROE SIGHED IN RELIFE WHEN HER EYES FINALLY FELL ON HER BEST FRIEND, Alexandra Mahogany, sitting in the cabin at the back of the train.

Alexandra - or Alex as most called her - was a Slytherin like Monroe, the two were like two halves of the same coin. That's probably why they got along with each other so well, they had the same opinions on things.

Alex's eyes looked up at the door when she heard it open, as she smirked at Monroe while standing to embrace the girl in a hug.

"Took you long enough, thought you ran into the wrong platform."

"Don't complain about my time management, you should like Will."


MONROE TRIED HER HARDEST TO KEEP HER STARE OFF OF THE THESTRALS THAT LED THE CARRIAGES TO HOGWARTS, the animals invisible to most but her and maybe a few others, the sight of the creatures unlocking memories she would've preferred to keep locked away in her mind.

Alex walked up onto the the carriage where William and his friends were sat, the girl taking one of the empty seats besides William, Monroe was about to follow, but she was pushed out of the way by Bellatrix Black, the girl taking the last available seat on the carriage

Monroe shot her an annoyed glare as her eyes flicked around for any empty carriages or seats, mentally groaning when she saw the only available one was with none other than James Potter.

"Mon, you coming?" William asked with raised eyebrows as he looked down at his sister who was still on the ground.

She looked at him like he was stupid, "There's no more seats. Only one left is with those annoying Gryffindors, I'll see you when we get to school.

When she noticed William beginning to stand to go sit with them instead, she shook her head, "No William sit down. I'm a big girl I can sit there." She cut him off from speaking again when she said, "Goodbye William." Before turning and walking away to the carriage.

She didn't say anything as she sat down on the seat besides Remus Lupin, the one she considered the most tolerable of the whole group, but she rolled her eyes when the voice of James Potter pierced the air, "Whoa, what d'you think you're doing there Taylor?"

Monroe rolled her eyes once again, "Trust me Potter, I'm not the slightest but happy about being here either, but it was either me or my brother, whichever one you'd prefer, I'm sure he would be mind coming over instead."

"William Taylor sitting with us? That would never happen, he's a pure blood supremacist and a Psycho." Monroe looked up at the direction of the voice that said that and noticed Peter Pettigrew, in her opinion, the most unbearable one in the whole group.

She sent him a mock smile, "Now, now wormy, don't need to sound so confident, wasn't it you that cried when Will spoke to you last year? It would be hard to forget those rivers you filled with all the tears, a bit dramatic don't you think?"

"Hey, you have no right to speak to him like that." Lily Evens, a redheaded girl exclaimed from where she sat opposite from James.

She rolled her eyes, "Sorry firecracker, don't really care for your opinion." Lily rolled her eyes at the girl, she had never heard a nice word about anybody come out of her mouth.

When Monroe heard James about to say something again, she cut him off, "Shut up Flea. Your voice is like nails in a chalkboard, I'd prefer not to hear it for the next hour."

He rolled his eyes at the girl, deciding the just ignore her for the rest of the journey as he began a conversation with his friends, the whole time Monroes eye being stuck on the supposedly invisible animals leading the carriage.


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