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dear seungeon,

day 1

hi ! i'm (will not tell u yet) ! for the next 15 days, i will be writing letters to you. when i first saw you, you were so cute in my eyes that i couldnt help falling for you. ♡

from, seungeon lover ♫

seungeon saw the letter that laid in his locker and read it, confused and surprised.

‘huh? a letter..someone likes me?’ he carefully took the letter and placed it in his bag, so as to not damage it.

he had classes with gyuvin at the moment, walking up to the taller, waving. “hey seungeon, what was that piece of paper just now?”

“oh, it was a..love? letter from someone, i dont know who though” seungeon said, rubbing the back of his neck as gyuvin giggled. “well, worry about that later, we're gonna be late.”

“did you put the letter in?” yejin asked the panicking girl by the name of lee jungsoo.

she nodded as she slammed her head against the table, yejin and yuanyi flinching from the sudden bang and stared at the girl.

“ow..” jungsoo winced, lifting her head up to reveal a red mark on her forehead. “geez, dont do that again!” yejin spoke, rubbing her forehead as yuanyi panicked, “are you okay?”

“i'm..okay. what if he thinks its weird?”

“who thinks what's weird?” a male spoke from behind

“nothing bro, dont gotta worry about it!” jungsoo spoke, panicked at her younger brother's appearance and turned back.

“ahh! I see now! you have a crush right?” jeonghyeon said as jungsoo's ears became red as she was flustered. “shut up!”

“let's talk about it when we get home” jeonghyeon smiled, walking to his chair with his friends as jungsoo sighed.

“aren't you older?” yuanyi asked, wondering why jeonghyeon acted so much like an elder brother.

“yeah by like 2 minutes, but he's always been the one protecting me since we were kids..”

“anyways, back to the quote on quote cute guy, do you think he received the letter well?”

“hopefully.” jungsoo sighed, as the teacher walked in.

; how we feeling atm

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