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{okay so I don't really know animals minds work nor am I a veterinarian or fan of study of animals so bare with me}

Maddie pov:
sonic has been back with us for about a week now and somethings wrong we tried to get him back into his old activities like running, feach, dancing, singing, but nothing was working he would just lay down or groom himself or Ozzy it got to the point where I convinced Tom to bring him to the vet " please Tom something is wrong with soniche has never acted like this before" "you're right Maddie we'll take him tomorrow-"
Tom was interrupted with a loud yelp from sonic followed by loud wines while Ozzy barked up at the stairs "okay mabye now to the vet" we loaded a wineing heavy sonic in the back of Tom's truck as we rushed to the vet leaving Ozzy at home.

when the doctor came in sonic still looked in pain but kept snarling at the doctor growling they ended up having to muzzle him and looked over sonic and looked to us with a smile " Well yall must be happy you're having puppies but don't worry about it it was just a contraction yo-" "WHAT?!" Tom screamed before passing out on the floor " wait but sonic is a boy how could he be pregnant ?" I questioned the doctor he chuckled " oh no he's an hermaphrodite mam he can have pups because he has both male and female sex organs and other sexual characteristics," "oh ok well thanks……can I have help dragging this idiot back to the car " I said pointing down to the passed out officer on the floor " oh sure !"

when we got home Tom was still passed out on the couch as sonic laid in the bed with me thinking of what the doctor said then it hit me "WHO THE FUCK is THE FATHER!" i shouted startling sonic in the process man now we have a problem.

{sorry for a weak ending but shadow will shoe in the next chapter}

sonadow mpreg " puppies "Where stories live. Discover now