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"now just place one foot in front of the other." harry explained.

"which foot in front, which foot in back?" daisy asked.

"it doesn't matter, usually you'd put your stronger foot in the front, but whatever feels comfortable." daisy looked down at her feet, and placed her right foot on the edge of the pool, and her left foot behind her. "okay, now put you arms up, and put your hands over each other." daisy followed along as harry did what he explained. "and just jump in, but with your hands first, and your feet last. just try to dive right in front of you, instead of out there for now."

daisy fell into the water, hands first, feet last, and harry smiled at her progress. "great job daisy! give me five." he said holding his hand up, and her hitting it. "okay, i think we've done enough for today, c'mon let me take you back to your brother." he placed a hand out for her to grab and climb out of the pool, and held her hand as they walked. "you've been doing so well, louis's gonna be so proud of you!"

louis noticed that the pair were coming his way, and he stood up to do talk to them. he placed his sunglasses on top of his head, and took his earbuds out.

"she's doing great, she'll soon get to swim in the deep end on her own, and without me." he told louis.

"you mean, i won't see you again?" daisy asked sadly.

"daisy," harry crouched down to her size. "of course you'll see me, i'll still work here, and on my breaks we can swim together." he assured her.



louis stood there, and smiled awkwardly, figuring out how he'll try to enter the conversation. "harry can i talk to you for a moment?"

"uh, sure?" he questioned. "i'll be right back." he told daisy before he followed louis as they walked around the pool. "so.. what did you want tot alk about?"

"well, i just wanted to say i'm sorry, for kind of being an asshole to you. well, not kind of but just being an absolute asshole to you. there was no true reason for me to be, and i hope you could look past that." he explained, looking down like a little child who got in trouble.

"it's fine louis, i didn't hold a grudge on it, and i'm glad you decided to look pass this too. i hope we could be great friends."

louis looked up, completely flustered and blushed. "yeah, me too." he said with a smile.

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