making a project.

561 9 13


*WARNING, there is some smut in this chapter, but a LOT more in the next one, so you've been warned.* (I'm not making it to heaven for this)

I rush to open the door, taking a quick glance at doe, them proceeding to lean on the door and smile like nothing weird has been happening. I tap my fingers on the wooden door frame, looking at the 3 people infront of me

I immediately get pushed out of the way by Evelyn, who invites herself in. On the other hand, I welcome Marie and my best-friend robin in too.

"Make yourself at home" I say, smiling in appreciation that my 2 besties are here.

I follow Marie and Robin in, shutting my door with a quiet slam.

"Oh. My. GOD!? you have a boyfriend Y/N!?" I hear Robin's almost fully shouting, lookin at doe. "Uh.. n-" "-yes" doe cuts me off and I give him the 'im gonna end you' death stare.

I hear mare rush to us, getting Infront of me and looking at doe. "If you ever do anything to my best-friend, I won't wait to kill you." I just blindly stare at Marie as she states that threat.

"Marie!" I grab her hand, I hear a door open, looking away from the drama that's going on to see peter walk out. In a navy blue jacket and black pants. Wait navy blue jacket and black pants. "OH MY GOD. PETER WHERE'S YOUR SHIRT!?" I run to him, pushing him back into the bathroom, shooting my friends an innocent smile.

I push him up to the sink, watching him grab the sides of it to keep balance.

"Where is your shirt." "Gone, like yours is about to be~" I glance at the coy smirk that's plastered on his face and I can't help but giggle.

My eyes widen as I'm pulled and pushed, I grip to the sides of the sink now, looking up at peter as I glance around the bathroom, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

I feel his hand snake to my thigh, blood rushes to my face as I let out soft whimpers. "Peter..! I have guests over-" "I don't care." I let out a yelp, feeling his fingernails dig into my inner thigh. So close. To close.

I start to feel a burning sensation as I lock eyes with peter, entangling one of my legs with his, pulling him closer. I lean in.

"Fine. We can do this. But be quiet, and it's only gonna last 5 minutes. Put on your shirt and lets head to my bedroom." I whisper in his ear, sensing him perk up and rush to grab his shirt.

I get off the sink, walking to the door and grabbing the door handle, feeling the cold metal as I wait for him to put a shirt on.

I watch him slide his arms into the shirt. I can't help but blush as the atmosphere is terrifying.

I walk out with him, stepping as silently as possible. "Hey guys. I'm going to my bedroom for a bit, don't come in." I make peter pause.

"Your gonna have to sneak in." I whisper to him and walk in my room. I wait almost 1 minute, hearing him walk almost silently to my room.

peter and john doe x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now