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After the announcement we were dismissed to dinner as the assembly ran later than usual. The gossip started immediately about who this girl's parents were, would she be their friend? Blah blah bullshit.

I decided to sit with the teachers today, eager to avoid my friends curious chattering - about both my behaviour and Hellman. My presence has become a common occurrence for the teachers and so they continue their conversations.

I take a seat next to Lesso and she smiles, placing her ringed hand on my thigh. Her hand runs up and down it, tracing patterns and shapes as she rolls her eyes at something Anemone says. I decided to say something, breaking our silence.

"So. The new girl, what classes is she in?" I whisper to her.

"She's in all the classes you have me for. That's all I know of." She replies. I grimace, ruining my favourite lesson already I see. I groan at this thought and she raises an eyebrow at me. "From that reaction, I'm guessing you don't like her?"

"Something like that." I huff. Leaving it at that I stand up, the soothing coldness of her hand leaving my leg. I place a kiss on her lips and go to leave. She grabs my arm and pulls me in for seconds. I smile into the kiss and she pulls away.

I walk out the hall and make my way to my lesson. So much for a calmer term, guess it will be more chaotic than the last. But, then again, who doesn't love a little dramatics? Throughout the remainder of the day I look out for the dark haired girl, luckily finding her in none of my lessons. That is until I arrive at my lovers.

Usually, most Nevers try to skip or are late to this lesson, so I get there early to spend more time with her. That however, will not be happening anymore as she is here. And she sat right on the desk in front of Lesso's. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

I sit down at a desk at the back of the classroom with a frown. Lesso has other ideas. She gets up from her seat at the desk and walks over to me, discarding her cane. She pulls up a chair and sits so my knees are between her thighs.

"You didn't come over to me."

"Really? And here I thought I was delusional."

"Watch your tone DeVil." She winks, using my old nickname and I can't help but smile. "There's that smile." She whispers in my ear, placing a kiss on my cheek. She takes my hand in hers and gives me one of her many rings.

"What's this for?" I ask, knowing full well why she's given it to me. Considering Hellman is sitting in my seat I won't be able to play with Lesso's ringed hand as she teaches.

"You don't want it? I'll have it back then." She playfully tries to take it back.

"No, no. I want it." She kisses my head before going to her desk as students file in. If that Hellman girl is watching she should know that Lesso isn't for her to hit on. But, if she's anything like her mother that won't matter.

Lesso starts the class and I start taking my usual notes, playing with the piece of silver in my hands. Half way through my lovers lecture Zylia raises her hand, red manicured nails shining in the minimal light. She bats her long lashes, blue eyes practically beaming at Leonora.

"Yes Miss Hellman?" She asks, clearly frustrated by the interuption.

"Are you single by any chance?" She smirks, leaning back and playing with a lock of her dark hair. I freeze up at her question and multiple people turn to look at me. She ignores this and if looks could kill - she'd be long gone.

Lesso's face remains unfazed but I see her hands clench and unclench. She formulates a reply.

"I think it's none of your business Hellman." She states cooly. I don't know how to feel about this but let it pass regardless. She attempts to resume her normally structured lecture, but Zylia isn't finished. This fucking asshole.

"Okay, so I think you're single and I'm going to take you out on a date-" A few of the students holler and start to laugh, others risk a glance at my slouched posture and glare. I move a strand of hair from my face.

"I'm uninterested and happily dating, now shutup and do your goddamn work, Hellman!" She snaps. I smile a little at this reaction, it's much better than the previous. Zylia laughs.

"Alright, you're not mine yet. But you will be." She chuckles. This girl needs to seriously back down. Like, now.

"She won't." I pipe up, meeting Leonora's eyes for a brief second. Zylia turns to me with an unimpressed expression. "Yknow, this ego you've got is going to be a problem as there won't be enough room for the both of us." I finish.

"Then you'll just have to go." She sighs dramatically, rolling her eyes and placing a hand on her chest in mock sympathy.

"Sweetheart. You're mad if you think that's ever going to happen. I'm permanent."

"Well then I must be rubbing alcohol." She snipes smugly. Like mother like daughter I see.

"In a different world we could've been friends Zylia. Hell, maybe I would've even liked you." I laugh, the class and Lesso watching our rivalry unravel at a fast pace.

"And why can't we be?"

"A Hellman and DeVil? Well sweetheart, we're born enemies." I wink delivering the final blow and grab my bag. I walk to the front of the room, hand Lesso her silver ring. She smirks at me and shakes her head, blue eyes roaming my face, hair slightly unruly.

I grip her chin and pull her towards me, placing my lips on hers. She kisses back, softly biting my bottom lip. I hold in a quiet moan and pull away.

I make quick work of leaving the classroom and a stunned Hellman. You want petty Zylia? I'll give you a hell of a lot more than petty.

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