Prologue - A "Normal" Online Class

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A typical morning of August 22, Marco Seraño, a grade 10 student of Carson City Science High School - One of the most prestigious Science Schools out there. He is one of the top 39 students, also called section Electron. Back in their third year (Grade 9), they were 40 of them, but before the class starts, one of them backed out, leaving 39 students in Electron. He is now attending his first day of Online Class, a new system implemented in Carson City because of a pandemic known as HAVS (Human Allergen Virus - type S), a non-deadly, yet highly contagious disease with a tenth of the population in the country is now affected by it. Nowadays it is at decline, with fewer cases during the month of July.

While having a brief orientation in an English class, Marco is bored... instead of actively listening to the topics that will be discussed, he fidgets with a coin that he loves - a rare Gniea. As the meeting about to end, the students greeted goodbyes to their English Teacher: Ms. Maria Villanueva.

"Oh before I left, I would like to say that there will be a transferee, again, goodbye and thank you."

Many orientations passed, and about 3 subjects later. Their next subject is Mathematics, where Marco joins the meet early, with his best friend: Angelique Oribiana joins next. While waiting, they had a friendly chat.

"Hi 'gelic!" Marco turns on his microphone.

"Hello!" Angelique replied. "Do you know that a new update to our game will be published 2 weeks from now?"

"Yeah!" Marco Replied "I hope Gabriella will be online soon, I wish the three of us will play together!"

Marco continued. "Oh, I'm very curious about the new student"

"I wonder if he's a boy, or a girl" Angelique replied, curiously asking to herself.

The teacher, Mrs. Joan Fleming enters the meet. Alongside 37 other classmates. "Alright, we'll start the attendance, I'll call by your class number" Mrs. Fleming said. "B1, are you present, Andres?"

Marco's Class number is B15, 15th of 16 boys, with 23 girls. Angelique's number is G15.

"B15 Seraño" Mrs. Fleming said. Marco replied "Present", with his mic and camera opened.

After some time... Mrs. Fleming called Angelique "G15 Oribiana"

"Present!" She replied with a happy tone

"G16 Pascal" after the teacher said that, no one answered "Angela Pascal? I believe that this is your transferee, am I right?"

"I think so Ma'am" Someone said.

After that session, Notifications on their Group Chat frequently ring. One of them even added the Transferee to the GC, welcoming her.

"Welcome Angela Pascal!" Some of Marco's classmates began tagging her to notify the new section.

Marco welcomed Angela through private message, And he also introduced himself.

"Good Morning! I'm Marco Andrei Seraño, but you can call me Marco."

She then replied, 5 minutes after the introduction. "Oh, hello!"

Angela Pascal is a Grade 10 Student, a transferee from Las Hermañas Science High School, another prestegious school, albeit in a different region. She's an exception in transfering to different schools, as Carson City Science usually don't accept transferees. The rule exemption being that if you transfer from a regional Science High School, you can enter CCSHS. Angela is a sweet girl, with energetic attitude, and an Introvert, where Marco is a bit opposite: Calm, Entrovert, yet mainly focus on studies.

The two chatted about the events from the orientation, and the needed requirements before heading back to Face to Face learning. And he invited to join in the Grenada Group, a special group Marco makes since he was Grade 8, alongside Angelique and Gabriella, the Original Grenada Trio.

"I would love to join!" Angela replied, in her side, she has her eyes sparkling.

Marco then asks the members of the Grenada Group if it is okay to invite a student to the group, they all replied "agree" and Angela is now part of the Grenada.

"Oh yeah, see you at school!" Marco replied after all the conversations

"Thanks!" Angela replied back.

As the first day of school about to end, Marco reviews the needed requirements, and prepares it in a bag.

"Notebooks, check! Paper, check!" He mused. "And Ballpen, check!"


Angela also prepares for the first Face to Face class with Marco's notes given to her. "I'm so excited to meet everybody!

The next day, Angela arrive at the school before Marco does. She's a bit lost at first, and messaged him for assistance

"Go to this building, third floor, and second room from the left." Marco messaged her.

"What building? There are tons of buildings out here"

He then replied "do you see the building that has "Jeremiah Hall"? That's the building

"Ahh okay I found it, thank you!"

Marco arrived shortly after. At first, the two didn't see each other. They met with their first subject teacher: Ma'am Hermia Rachel, a Science Teacher, excelled at Biology.

"Good Morning Class"

"Good Morning Ma'am Rachel!" The Electron Students said in unison.

Marco, still finding where Angela is, looks at his back, most of his classmates are there, yet he still don't recognize them fully in person.

"Alright, Rollcall, is Jack Andres here?" Ms. Rachel said. A voice replied. "Present!" It was Jack Andres, a tall, intelligent, and consecutive best in science since Grade 9. He is one of the students who received a "with Highest Honors".

Ms. Rachel then asks if Rafael Aurora is present. Aother voice replied. "Present!" It was Rafael Aurora, one of the best students in Math, and one of Marco's "Triplets" Group.

Sometime later she then asks if Marco Sañado is present. He then replied "Present!" Angelique looks at Marco, as if she haven't met him in person. "The 'always present' in class, do you had absences during Grade 7?"

"Nope, my last absent is when I was back in grade 6 because of dengue."

"Ohh... at least you're fine and well now" Angelique replied.

Sometime later (Again) their science Teacher calls Angelique. She also replied "Present!" After that, Angela Pascua wasn't called... looks like Ms. Rachel have the old masterlist of students in Electron.

Marco almost notify Ma'am, but Jayfa Rita, one of Marco's classmates, took note that Angela Pascal is the transferee. What a save, as Marco thought. "Oh there's a transferee? Can you introduce yourself?" The teacher said.

Angela stands. "Hello everyone, my name is Angela Leyla Pascal, and you can call me Angela, I'm from Las Hermañas Science High School at Las Hermañas, Surkenio"

Marco looked at her, stunned by her looks, as if his world just stopped. He then felt a sudden stimulus, an impulse - reminds him of something...

Marco recently watches Romance-Comedy Mangas (RomCom for short) and just love how the two met, secretly admiring one another, and confesses before the video ends. One video is about an extrovert transferee, fell in love with an introvert person.

In this case, Marco felt like...

He just fall in love with a transferee...

A first in his life...

Angelique then felt of something, "Marco, Earth to Marco" she then waves her hand in front of him. He was frozen, with his eyes at Angela

"Oh, uh.... sorry" Marco said towards Angelique.

Angelique smirked at him secretly.

Break time, and he went to Angela to greet her. "Ahh, it felt nice to be here, How's your first day of school?"

"It's nice, I love it!" She said, with her eyes sparkling.

"Welcome to CarSci!" Marco said, with his eyes also sparkling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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