Kagamine Twins- Comfort

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Len cried and cried, his tears flowing uncontrollably. When he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror, he saw a face swollen with sadness and a nose turned red from endless sobbing. If only he had gone to bed earlier, maybe he wouldn't have needed to cry so much and end up looking like such a mess. The emotions he despised were now on full display, and he hated showing this vulnerable side of himself. No matter how hard he tried to hold back, he couldn't control the flood of tears when he was upset. This only made him cry even more, leaving him feeling utterly powerless. It seemed like it was too late to change anything now.Rin was in her room next to Len's setup for playing Project Diva. Their rooms had a similar futuristic design, bathed in shades of orange and yellow. Len made sure to muffle his cries so that Rin wouldn't notice or stumble upon him. He never cried in front of anyone, becoming adept at concealing his true emotions from Miku, KAITO, MEIKO, Luka, his girlfriend, and his other friends. They all believed he was happy, and he pretended to be. That's why he would stay out late on weekends and after school, not wanting to burden them with his problems or cause them worry.Suddenly, the door slid open automatically, revealing Rin. "LENNNNN..." she whined, looking around for him. "I'm so bored! Wanna do something?" Her eyes fell upon Len, his face displaying shock and tears streaming down. He was having a breakdown, and Rin accidentally stumbled upon him crying. Witnessing Len in such a state shattered him completely. He couldn't hold back his own tears any longer and allowed himself to cry without restraint."G-get out... please," Len pleaded, embarrassed to be seen like this. Of all people, his best friend and twin had found him in this vulnerable state. Rin's eyes softened as she hurried over. "W-what?! Len... Are you okay?!" She knelt down, grasping his shoulders in alarm. "L-Len?! What's wrong?!" Usually, Rin would tease Len relentlessly to provoke his tears, but seeing him cry and break down filled her heart with compassion. She disliked seeing him like this. He wasn't one to cry often. Even if she knew it was a facade, she still wanted to see him smile, his usual goofy self. "Are you sick?" Her concern for her little brother was evident.Len pushed her arms away, sniffling as he tried to regain composure. "I-I'M FINE!" he shouted, looking at her. "Leave me alone... okay?!" He turned away, tears streaming down even faster. "... I don't want to talk about it!" His crying intensified.Rin took a deep breath, uncertain whether she should press further. Asking more questions might cause Len to shut her out or, worse, tell her to mind her own business. But she couldn't bear to watch him cry any longer. He meant too much to her. So she held onto him and hugged him tightly. "You dummy. You can't fool your older twin like that," Rin whispered. Len tried to push her away, but Rin refused to let go. She wanted to make it clear to him. "You're NOT fine, Len." She sighed, her cheeks puffed as she stared into his eyes. "Don't lie to me. I'm your older sister, and you're supposed to confide in me about most things." She looked at him, her eyes shimmering with hope, as Len gazed back at her, still crying softly. He averted his gaze, feeling embarrassed and angry that Rin wouldn't let him simply brush it off. Why did she have to care so much? It only made everything feel worse. Yet, a thought flickered in Len's mind. Maybe this was what Rin meant by comforting him. Maybe she wasn't concerned about the specific details of what happened, but rather about how he was truly feeling.Len looked away, attempting to avoid Rin's gaze, until she decided to take a bold, motherly approach. She gently held Len's chin with her fingers, turning his face toward her. Using her thumb, she wiped away his tears and placed a loving kiss on his forehead. A blush rushed to Len's cheeks, his heart beating faster in response. Rin's actions had a profound effect on him, calming his trembling and soothing his soul."You're my special little brother," Rin said affectionately, her words piercing through Len's emotional turmoil. "So don't you ever dare lie to me, Lenny." Len's eyes widened in surprise by the warmth of her words and the tender kiss. His body relaxed, and he slowly began to melt in her embrace, feeling a renewed sense of security and acceptance.Rin continued her display of love by planting a gentle kiss on Len's cheek. "It'll be alright," she assured him, her voice filled with sincerity. "No matter what happens, you'll never be alone." Len looked at Rin, his uncertainty giving way to a glimmer of hope. He fidgeted with his hands shyly, feeling a sense of gratitude toward his sister. "Maybe... maybe you're right," he admitted, his voice filled with newfound vulnerability. "I should try harder to suppress my emotions. I didn't want you to see me like this or stumble upon me in such an embarrassing state." He let out a frustrated groan and turned his gaze away, unable to meet Rin's eyes.Rin frowned, crossing her arms in surprise. She hadn't expected Len to express himself in this way. He was usually reserved when it came to his own feelings. Nevertheless, she nodded, understanding the weight of his admission. "Don't worry, Lenny. Just don't bottle everything up. You can't keep it all inside," she advised gently, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and affection.Len nodded, looking at Rin with some shine in his eyes. Opening up to her a little had made him feel better, lighter somehow. "Thank you, Rin," he said sincerely, a genuine smile gracing his lips. Rin returned the smile, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I love you too, Lenny," she replied, her words filled with warmth and support. "Now, let's go play some Project Diva and take your mind off things for a while, okay?" Len liked Project Diva more than most games, he always had a hyperfixation on one or two songs in each series. "Okay." He smiled again, standing up. He looked at himself in the mirror once more before walking downstairs. With Rin following behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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