Prolouge: A usurper

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The entity, POV

My realm, my world, my LIVESTOCK.

I am a godess here, and I will have my feast.

I constructed the trials to harvest the raw emotions from those feeble humans. The lords and ladies of torment and despair that I have brought here would hunt and sacrifice the survivors to me.

I would feed on the fear and despair of the sheep and the bloodlust of the wolves.

I manifested my claws below to snatch up a survivor that was placed on a hook. Then, as I peeled the emotion from their soul and swallowed it down, something else in the trial caught my eye.

A young human man of about 20 in earth years was fleeing from the Ghostface in my copy of midwitch elementary school. The lamb ran through a doorway to a classroom and dropped a wooden pallet on his attacker, briefly stunning his pursuer.

He then turned on the Ghostface and blinded him with a flashlight that he had in his hand. Afterward, the survivor ran around the corner and hid in a locker.

The Ghostface eventually recovered from his stun and brief blindness. He broke the pallet in 2 quick stomps and walked into the classroom. He stalked his way around the corner, nearing the locker. I could smell the fear of the survivor within that locker, his hope that the Ghostface would lose him. I could feel the Ghostface's bloodlust, his urge to kill, and his will to maim. He wanted blood, and he was going to find it even if his prey stayed hidden.

But their was a change: a shift in emotion from the lamb in the locker. His fear turned to anger, and his soul welled up with courage. He readied himself as the Ghostface stood in front of the locker, looking around. The killer turned to the locker, and as he reached towards the handle to open it, the survivor inside burst forth from his hiding place. The Ghostface was hit head on by the swinging locker doors and the man he was hunting. His elbow connected with the killer's neck, just beneath his mask, and sent the Ghostface reeling.

The survivor wasn't done. He grabbed a loose jagged stone from the cracked tile floor of midwitch elementary, leaped up onto the killer's back, and drove the jagged stone into his shoulder.

He still didn't let up, and instead, he swept the Ghostface's legs, knocking the killer to the floor. He took the killer's own knife from him and drove the blade deep into the Ghostface's neck, just beneath his mask.

It didn't make sense. This is my domain. The survivors shouldn't be able to fight back, and they shouldn't be able to kill their hunters. Yet this man, he fought, and he won while my dark power was unable to help the Ghostface recover.

The survivor had killed one of the killers. He had done the impossible. He had defied my rules.

The young man turned his head and seemed to look at me, but that wasn't possible, he can't see me, yet I should be able to watch them from everywhere. I could still see his eyes no matter where I looked from, those eyes that showed his defiance to my absolute will.

It made me feel.......afraid.....for the first time in my unfathomably long life. It made me so scared that I ended the trial early and sent all the survivors back to the campfire....

Yet at the same time....I was intrigued.
I wanted to see if all those feeble humans could pull this off.

This man didn't want to play by my rules, so I resolved to change my rules.  I would adapt the game to his play style and wipe the courage and anger clean out of his soul.

No one gets away with scaring me MORTAL. I WILL crush you for this.

Just you wait.......

(Authors note: OK, so that's the prolouge to arena of despair. I figured I'd give the 30 or so people who actually read my stuff something else to read while I get back to work on F.L.I.E. hope you all enjoy)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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