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I can't believe my schooling ended successfully. I got lot of praises from my teachers. I have always been a bright student not only in academics but other activities too so whether it be friends or teachers everyone cherish me. And here I'm standing holding my final school completion certificate with great grades.

Yoongi: look someone is smiling like a fool. Why are you so happy just completed schooling and feeling like achieved everything in life huh!

Here comes the weirdest idiot in my life, my bestfriend. He seems like not caring about anyone but instead is the most warm hearted and very special person to me.

Yoongi: Lilyyyyy!!!!

Lily: Why the hell are you shouting.

Yoongi: Oh you have ears nice.

Lily: Can't you speak nicely even a day. Its special for me. I'm not going to study here anymore. My life would change now.

Yoongi: Haha you are saying as if now you will get married. Oh poor boy I feel bad for him.

Lily: Yahhh!! Get lost.

Yoongi: Where?

Lily walked pass him angrily. Yoongi ran to her and kept his arm in her shoulders and they together started to walk.

Yoongi: Okay now don't show tantrums tell me how was your day.

Lily: It was great and you know....

And she started to tell every single detail to him while they walked towards their home.

A week later

Lily: Mom I can't work now I have to study.

Mom: You did what you wanted now take over my place in the shop I can't run it alone anymore. Work all day and throw money in school we did enough for you.

Lily: Mom I got admission in the University and I will be able to go from next week. Please let me go.

Mother: Come and help me in store all you ever do is sit at that table or go wherever you want why to ask me.

Lily: But....p..l..e..a..s..e

Even after being supported and loved by all I could never get the love of my parents. After trying to be best in all aspects and working hard it all went in vain they never loved me as a child. All they did was complete their duty as parent and so sent me to school. Everyone's love and praise makes me happy but I never got the warmth from my own parents. They never cared. But still I'm happy that atleast they gave me all things I wished and brought me to this world.

Lily: Maybe she is tired from working all these years I think I should help her for now I can apply in some other Universities later on.

Father: Yes right help her!! And later on what we can't afford.

Lily: It's ok I can help myself now I won't cause you trouble but let me study.

Father: We will discuss it later you might go after few months.

Lily: Thankyou Dad I will go work with you all.

From that day I started to work in the store of my parents. They both worked in day and I just assist them.
Due to some theft news, at night they told me to look after it so for a couple of days I have been sleeping here only. It's okay I'm good here just get too tired and staying alert while sleeping in night just exhausts me.

It was another night at the store. In the storage area I had some cushions were I slept. I was sleeping peacefully but being alert though.

KNOCK KNOCK!!!!!!!!!!

Lily: ahh is it morning already

Her eyelids were unable to open still tired from hectic day schedule. She got up slowly and looked in her phone.

3:00 am

Lily: what the heck at this time? Is it thief oh no no what should I do...


Lily: Wait why will he knock??!!! There might me someone who is in emergency yeahh right.

She stood up and walked towards the entrance. She stepped towards the glass window and tried looking out.

Lily: There is a guy I can't see clearly is he drunken. No I shouldn't open the gate.

Suddenly that guy noticed someone peeking from window. He walked towards her and put his hands on glass and knocked slightly. The glass slowly got stained by some liquid and drops continuously slid down it.

Lily: Oh god blood !!!!!! He is injured!!!!

I didn't think of anything else and just ran towards the counter and the got the keys. I  opened the locks quickly and walked out of the gate.

Lily: Hey!! hey what happened to you.

He didn't replied anything. It was dark outside I couldn't see anything but his tall figure and some liquid dripping from his hand. I grabbed his other hand and pulled him inside the store and shut the door.

Lily: How did you got hurt so badly. Oh wait I have first aid here let me get it for you. It looks worse as if someone tried to kill you.

I walked towards the counter and switched on the light. As the light hit him I heard some words and my whole world stopped there.

???: Wrong I tried to kill someone.

I wasn't able the breathe anymore. Not sure it was because of the words or the fact that I just saw his figure.He was wearing white shirt and black suit with loosen tie, Tall, muscular, covered with sweat, messed hair, fair spotless perfect face with dark eyes looking at me. If one can kill with eyes I would be dead now. He was too hot to resist. I kept looking at him without a blink.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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