Earth 222 Rochelle

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"Baby ..  AWE COME ON, EARTH TO ROCHELLE" as he hovers over her searching for answers  her eyes are glued to the window. His grasp on her cheeks becomes a little bit firmer and a smirk sneaks onto her face revealed first hand by her deep set dimples. "There's my girl" A mutual smile comes over his face as well. "My beautiful baby girl"
Life had been hard for Rochelle recently. With familial expectations on her back and the weight of the world on her shoulders Randal knew she just needed a little nurturing. He knew how soft her heart was- he never underestimated her strength in any way but she's been strong all of her life so that's not really her focus. His soft pink lips brushes against her plushy ones causing a shy smile to come over her along with the words "EWW.. weird" In reality she's just a blushing mess. A sweetheart with an edgy exterior and outspoken too!
"WEIRD? You're the one who smells my side of the sheets when we sleep at night, I caught you doing it this morning before I woke you up! My little baby is so infatuated with me that she has to use all her senses to adore me." Rochelle's cheeks swell to an amount that she can't restrain from holding back a smile. He bursted her bubble & he actually does this quite often. For the first time ever his cockiness doesn't disgust her.  Silence fills the room as both of their faces have smiles smeared all over them. "As much as I love teasing you.. that's not what I came out here for.. I actually have a surprise for you" Randals hand interlocks with Rochelles before leading her up from the couch and looking over at her body with admiration. She was small, she is HIS BABY. But what he loved about her most was her innocent and expressive face. "C'mon" his knees bend slightly before the back of Rochelles thighs are cupped and lifted. "AaAHH!" Her body wobbles slightly in his arms as he positions her upper body to hang along his back. "Oh hush you big baby. I've got you. You hear me?"


A tiny sneak peaky

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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