Chapter 1: This is how it always begins.

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Ryan POV:

"I need to get out of this shit hole.", Ryan thought to himself, standing on the dock as the waves roared infront of him, calling his name. All he ever wanted was the sea, staring into it all his life made him question, what's beyond the reef, how far could he possibly go? He always knew how much this small town had held him back, all he had to help him to shove through those high school corridors was himself and his music.

"I have to go.", he whispered under his breath, pulling on the rope to near his small boat to his feet. It wasn't much but it was.. something. And that's all he needed, that's all he wanted. He placed his headphones ontop of his curly, misplaced hair and slid his mixtape into his walkman. It was his prized possession, ever since it was handed to him on his 10th birthday it had been his only escape from the world.

It was time, no holding back now. He sat in the seat and finally untied the rope from the post, Ryan had been waiting for this moment for his whole life, however, so had Min.

Min POV:

The young siren boy sat upon the rock, it was his first time on duty. He had never wanted to harm any sailors, what was so different between them and him? But, he knew he had to do as was expected, his parents didn't spend the past 18 years preparing him for this moment just for him to run. That would be pathetic.. Especially when everyone has such high expectations for him.

Ryan POV:

The boat toured Ryan's body across the oceanic abyss as he changed the song to California Dreamin' by Mamas and Papas, this one was one of his favourites, even though it wasn't his usual preferred genre. Although there was no leaves to be brown, the sky was infact grey, he wasn't expecting it to be this stormy.. Well, he wasn't really expecting anything, it's not like he had thought anything like this through. However, he did have a blanket, which could be helpful.. Sort of? Shit!! Why did he only think to bring a blanket, a walkman, some food and a shit ton of beer!?

However, Ryan was quickly distracted from his thoughts by an enchanting tone, wait... Was that really what he thought it was?

Both POV:

Min didn't want to look at his prey, he didn't even want to think of it that way, "just keep your eyes down and get it over with" he thought. Ryan stared into the fog, his eyes glimmering while he heard that intriguing wail.

"Okay, am I really doing this right?" Min-Gi thought to himself, "What if the sailor hates my singing and just turns the other way? How embarrassing that would be.." The humanoid being with the slicked back ebony hair didn't even notice that his song has suddenly stopped, however, Ryan had, and as Ryan usually foolishly did, he went with his heart and decided to investigate.

A Siren's Song (Rymin Infinity Train AU)Where stories live. Discover now