Chapter Two

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Hi everyone! So far I have like 6 views but still. Ok here goes chapter two, first day of high school  be prepared 


The bus pulls up to the school, and my first thought is wow. Of course, I had passed the high school everyday for three years when I was in middle school, but when it's my turn to walk up the steps to the front doors, it seems a lot bigger all of a sudden. 

I must've stood there for a while, because I hear Jordyn say,

"Come on, slow-poke! What are you waiting for?"

"I don't know. Is it just me, or did the school get bigger?" 

"Just you." Said Jordyn, sizing up the school "Actually, I think it shrunk"

And that's why I love Jordyn

The bell rings, and Jordyn pulls me inside. She glances at her schedule. "Oh ew! I have math first. See you later!" Then she lets go of my hand and hurries off, leaving me in a sea of people. She gets about ten feet before she sees someone she knows, and gets caught up in a conversation. Jordyn makes friends so easily. I'm much shyer than her. I check my schedule again. English is in room 118. I maneuver the crowded halls, and find the right room. The English teacher is someone I've never seen before, but he seems nice. He greets me with a handshake and a warm smile, then tells me to pick whichever seat I'd like. I don't know anyone in this class, so I take a seat in the back near a sunny window. A girl sits down in the empty seat next to mine. I smile at her

"Are you new here?" I ask the girl. She has long, almost waist length blond hair. She's very pretty.

She looks at me like I have two heads, and leans over the seat in front of her, where a girl with perfectly wavy chocolate hair is sitting. She whispers something in her ear, and the other girl giggles.

Well, they seem annoying. My English teacher introduces himself as Mr. Grant, and takes attendance. 

"Raina?" I raise my hand


"FOR THE LAST TIME, CALL ME  MONA!!" The girl shouts. Mr. Grant is taken aback. 

"Actually that was the first time I've heard that, but I'll be sure to take note. Remy?" 

A boy with glasses and dark hair that covers most of his face nods

"Sabrina?" The girl with the chocolate brown hair flips her curls and says 

"Here!" Then she giggles and turns to the girl next to me. "OMG my voice cracked!" 

The girl next to me covers her mouth with her hand "First impressions, girl!" 

"Hello? Are there any Taylor's in here?"

The girl next to me blushes brightly and raises her hand, then returns it to her face. Sabrina giggles loudly 

I roll my eyes. They both stare at me like a sprouted a third head, and return to their giggles. 

Mr. Grant finishes up attendance with Zeila Horkins, a girl with the brightest, reddest hair I've ever seen, and neon green braces. She stands up, waves exuberantly, and says "I'm Zeila! This is my first year of high school " -(duh- "-and I'm DELIGHTED to see some new faces and bright ideas! I am hoping to be a scientist when I grow up and..." 

"Thank you Zeila, but we need time for the lesson!" Says Mr. Grant, politely dismissing her overly long "Here" 

Zeila reluctantly takes a seat, frowning.

Mr. Grant introduces the units we will do for English, has us play some icebreakers, then dismisses us at the ring of the bell.

I take deep breath. Hey, English wasn't so bad! Maybe science won't be either?


Ok that was my second chapter. Next comes the amazing science class! Be prepared and stay tuned!!


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