Will he stay.?

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They judge your every move. They post, text, tweet, even speak the lies about you. They pretend to be your friend. They are fake. You need to find the one who is true to be, one who wont tell you what you want to hear, to tell the damn truth.

Issabella was only 15. Who she thought were her true friends...Really weren't. They just told her what she wanted to hear... They finally desided to turn on her. They told everyone all her personal sectrets and poseted, texted, and  tweeted them to only hurt her.

She finally found out about everyone know her secrets. But really why would they betray her? What made them do it? She was so scared to walk through the school halls... She didn't go to school everyday... She finally convinced her parents to home school her.  The only thing she had left was the only one who didn't betray her... He helped her a lot... Then things between them went bad.... Very bad... they hardly talk... She basicly has no one!

He started to beileve the lies about her. She tried so damn hard to convice him that they arn't true. She got in to fights with her parents and everyone around her... She was depressed... She cut her self to make the days pain to go away.. She tried to commite suicide. But He finally came around and she told him her true feelings and he basicly said "I don't feel the same for you." She was heart broken... She cried herself to sleep until he finally confessed his feelings to her.

Even though he leaves in a few months for boot camp.. She was hearbroken so bad until the day he left for boot camp she went to say good bye to him at the airport and when she got there his flight already left.. She fell to her knees crying. She didn't even say good-bye to him. But then someone tapped her shoulder.. She got up and wiped the tears away then turned around to find him standing there. He pulled her in close and says "I couldn't leave with out saying good-bye and asking you this one question." Then he spits out the question "Will you be my girlfriend?" She smiles and replys with a "Yes" he pulls her even closer and then kisses her like he always has. She crys tears of joy. But why isn't he off to boot camp? Then she asked him... "Why aren't you on your way to boot camp?"

He replys "I have the next flight out witch is in the morning, so we have all night to be together. I couldn't leave without asking you that question." She just smiles and hugs him even tighter. When he leaves its, harder on her than she thought... He would always wright to her...Every letter stated how many days til he comes home.

When his flight arrived and when she saw him. Then see's another girl run over to him and kiss him she crys.. When he see's her crying he feels bad becuase he cheated. But things weren't the same. They broke up and talked very little. He relized what he did was wrong he hurt her really bad. They got into a big fight.. He blammed it all on himself.



To Be Continued..........




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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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