you and me

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In the realm of Fire Power,Where blazes fury and spirits combust,Two warriors stand in conflict,Their contention an unquestionable necessity.

Arthur Boyle and Shinra Kusakabe,When companions, presently adversaries it appears,Their bond cut off by a misfortune,Their disdain a consuming dream.

Arthur, the wielder of Excalibur,The knight with a respectable heart,Detests Shinra for his sibling's passing,What's more, tears them both separated.

Be that as it may, obligation calls, and they should battle,Together against the Diabolical scourge,However Arthur fumes with rage inside,He works with Shinra to cleanse.

The intensity of war blazes around them,Their collaboration lights a flash,Arthur and Shinra battle as one,Their abilities leaving enemies in obscurity.

What's more, as they stand together,Arthur acknowledges what he's missed,That Shinra isn't simply his adversary,Be that as it may, a friend in their middle.

For however their bond was broken,Their kinship can be reawakened,As Arthur figures out how to relinquish disdain,Furthermore, embraces the sibling he'd sworn.

So let the flares rage on around them,Also, let their swords conflict in the evening,For Arthur and Shinra, when enemies,Are presently joined in their battle.

As they combat one next to the other,Arthur really wanted to see,That Shinra's soul consumed as splendid,As any fire could be.

In spite of the aggravation and misfortune,That had destroyed their companionship,Shinra had a benevolence,That made Arthur feel good inside heart.

He saw the mental fortitude in his eyes,The strength of his convictions,What's more, however they actually clashed,There was regard in their collaborations.

Arthur realize that it was hard,To relinquish outrage and disdain,Yet, he saw in Shinra a companion,Furthermore, an opportunity to begin once more, a fresh start.

So as they battled together,Arthur started to comprehend,That eventually, their disparities,Could be the strength of their band.

For when they set up their swords,Their blazes ascended high and valid,Also, Arthur really wanted to grin,As he understood what they could do.

Together they could vanquish all,What's more, make their foes fall,Arthur and Shinra, companions once more,Noting the Fire Power's call.

Thus they battled on, next to each other,Their companionship presently reestablished,Also, however they might in any case quibble,Their bond had been genuinely demonstrated.For during the most intense part of the conflict,In the blazes that lit the evening,Arthur and Shinra remained as one,Their kinship shining brilliantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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