Wally Darling x Reader

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Just a Little Love

The sun bared a shining smile across the jaunty neighborhood. The aroma of colors synchs through the scheming atmosphere of houses with many warming welcomes. Surrounding this imaginative area came across the multicolored trees that swayed like cotton candy and felt like the softest of Truffula trees.

[Y/n] couldn't ask for a better place to be. From the sun kissing her exposed skin, to her golden garden growing in full bloom. Everything was of a natural elegance. Today [Y/n] glided around her plethora of flowers, wiping away the sweat that trickled down her forehead. She lifted her hat higher above her head to block the radiating heat that gave health to her growing flowers.

She paid no mind to the house behind her, inside, untouched boxes shielded in clear tape. Indeed, the move had only been perhaps a few weeks prior, with many more things to sift through and unpack. But [Y/n] rather tend to her garden that fitted of smiling daisies and of quart gem roses that sparkled more than the exhilarating sun itself. 

She could remember from her past days that she prayed for this kind of simple life, wishing for something more powerful to fulfill her dreams. Those memories now devoured into a black hole that served no other purpose than to erase what little sadness she had before this. Now she had the best neighbors she could ever ask for.

[Y/n] knew for certain she could get cavities from the amount of sweetness her neighbors harbored toward her if it was possible. She smiled wider, thinking of a certain blue-haired pompadour person that stood out the most. She had to admit, he was pretty cute, his name rolling aesthetically off of one's tongue.

Named of this smooth man was Wally, Wally darling.

Moving in, he was the first to welcome [Y/n] with a pair of open arms, even going as far as to help her move boxes into her home. The way he had humbly greeted [Y/n] the first time made her heart burst with an overpowering adorability. After that, she had looked forward to their many meetings, spending quality time together to learn of the others interest. To think she had changed so suddenly after their first encounter was more than a simple heaven's blessing, it was divine.

[Y/n] continued to water her variety of plants, making sure to perfect the ratio of heat and moisture. The plants were thankful for her kindness, and in return, showed the brightest of their colors as their mightiest exchange. Focused on her dancing plants, she failed to notice one of her neighbors waiting at the gate outside.

"Good morning neighbor! I've got some mail for you."

[Y/n] perked at the voice who yelled for her attention. She quickly finished watering her plants, not wanting to keep her neighbor waiting any longer. "Why good morning, Eddie, I hope you're having a splendid day!" She reached her part of the gate that separated her and the mailman from crossing over. Eddie, who wore a bright smile, held out a firmly pressed envelope in his hand towards [Y/n].

She giggled a bit shocked. "My, this is for me?"

Eddie eagerly handed the gardener the white envelope. "Why of course! Everyone in the neighborhood gets a letter." He dipped his head to the side, eyes dimming slightly from his usual bright aura. "Do you usually not get any?"

"That's not it. I just didn't think I'd get one so soon." [Y/n] responded, opening the letter with a delicate touch. Up until now, the bright smile she had worked hard to earn disappeared in a flash. Just the name that flipped first on the page was enough to make her nauseous. Her breaths started to grow heavy and her eyes watery.

"Neighbor, are you okay?" Eddie called out.

[Y/n] barely fought off the shakiness in her voice. "Yes, Eddie!" She chirped a little too brightly. "Thank you for the letter. And thank you for delivering it to me." They were no longer a part of her life. He was no longer a part of her life. She needed to get over it, everything she left behind she did for a reason.

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