Tzuyu's Fanfiction - Part 1

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She told me that she loved me.

And yes, I like Tzuyu too! I really feel comfortable to talk with her. I'm usually a bit introverted, but with her I can be so much opened. I tell all my stories to her and she listens to me well. I never have a more deep conversations before, except with Tzuyu. She also always knows the best solution for my problems. She cares with me a lot and she doesn't ask much things. Tzuyu is a simple girl who can make me feel secured. Also she's so cute when she smiles, makes me want to hug her all day! Hohoho....

Both of us are sleeping in one room at the dorm, so we spend so much time together. We can talk about everything before the bed time. Maybe because she's not from Korea, so I can ask a lot about her country. Sometimes, we talk about her funny experiences being a Taiwanese in Korea. I laugh so loud when she starts telling her stories. She is funny! Sometimes, I also teach her English since she's really interested about it. Tzuyu is a really hard-worker girl, even though she admits that she's not that good in learning new languages. It's really cute to see her willingness to learn, especially while she's trying to speak in english with her innocent accent. Sometimes, I pinch that girl's cheeks because she is so adorable! She usually just laugh, but one day she pinched back at my nose. I pinched her back and she pinched me again and so on... I felt a little bit weirded but I enjoyed it. I am sure she felt the same.

When I'm with Tzuyu, I notice that Sana's looking at us. I'm afraid that she's still angry after our last conflict. I tried to approach her, but she was nice to me. She's always cheerful and playful with me. I think it's genuine. Well, Sana is actually over-attached to me. She can do many random things, such as back-hugging, kissing me at cheeks, or something like that. We also do a lot V-lives together. I was so happy when she said to Onces that I was her new best friend (while hugging me). It was like she was so proud to have me as a friend. That actually made me can be opened to her more because everytime I'm with Sana I feel so loved.


One day, Sana and I were in Jype building. No one was there because it was late at night. We just had a practice and Sana asked me not to go home early. She had two small white cakes that she just bought. She gave me one. We ate in the resting room while chatting and joking a little bit, just cooling down ourself after a tiring rehearsal. I saw Sana finished her food first and, not long after her, I finished my last piece of cake as well. Sana looked at me like there was something wrong. She picked up a tissue and wiped the edge of my lips. I was frozen. Then she looked at my eyes for a few seconds, moved her head forward and kissed me!

She kissed my lips!!!

I didn't know what to do. I just sat there and did nothing, not even rejected her. I remembered suddenly I heard the door was opened. Sana still didn't care, but I saw who was coming. It was Tzuyu! She just stared at us from her spot. She looked shock. Then she finally decided to leave the room. I pushed Sana and then chased Tzuyu hurrily . "This is not right!" I said to myself.

"Tzuyu!" I saw her in the corridor. Tzuyu was stopped. She didn't turn back, just standing there with a head lowered down. I had this feeling that she was crying at that time. "Tzuyu, listen to me!! It was..... I...... I....." I was stuttered. I couldn't explain anything because I couldn't even understand what was just happening. I didn't understand what I was feeling there. As it became quiet, she started to walk again. I decided not to chase her this time. I turned back and saw Sana was there looking at me. I came to her. As Sana grabbed my left shoulder I started to cry. It was so complicated that night. I kept denying what I actually felt in my heart. The stronger my willingness to deny, the louder my cry became.

And I kept denying, denying, and denying.....................

Sana and I went back to the dorm and we found Dahyun approaching us. "Unnie, Tzuyu said she didn't want to sleep in her room tonight," she said.

I brought Dahyun to take a few steps away from Sana before talking. "Did she tell you what happened?" I whispered to her.

"No, she went to sleep right away. Was there something bad happen to her, Unnie?" Dahyun asked.

I gave Sana a sign to get closer to us. "No, it's okay, Dahyun. Tzuyu is fine. It was my fault, actually. Just please, make her feel comfortable when she wake up later, would you? I promise I will talk to her soon," I told her. Dahyun nodded. "Well, I think Sana can sleep in my room. Could you or Chaeyoung switch place with her tonight, please?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem," Dahyun answered, "I'll just get my stuffs"

"I hope it's just for a night," I winked at her.

"Thank you, Dahyuna~" Sana said.

After a little preparation, Sana finally moved to my room. She would sleep on Tzuyu's bed. I took a shower and then went to my bed. Not long after me, Sana came inside the room. She took a shower as well. I could see her hair was still wet, so was her neck. Sana was wearing a loose white t-shirt with a hot pants. I could see her thighs are so white and smooth. She dried her hair with a towel. I was just on my bed, pretended to play with my phone. I was hoping that she didn't notice that I was looking at her.

She looked busy on something but I didn't know what. It was a bit awkward and quiet until Sana finally sat on the edge of Tzuyu's bed.  "Look Haeju, I'm so sorry. Probably I shouldn't do that. I admit that this is my fault. I make it awkward, I'm really sorry," she said.

I stood up. I could sense that Sana was feeling really guilty. I was feeling something different tho. I saw her face that was looking down to the floor. I looked at her as I was trying to understand my own feeling. Then, finally I moved and sat on her side. Sana raised her head up as she was surprised. I looked at her eyes. She looked at me back. We didn't talk, but I felt like exchanging this feeling with her. It was like we were agreeing to do it. I looked at her eyes so deep until I could see my own reflection there. Finally, I decided to make a move. I gave her the second kiss I've ever had in my life..........

It was deeper this time. I felt everything that I could fell that night. I felt all her lips, reached her chin, neck, ear....I could feel her hand reached my back that made our kiss deeper. After a while, I moved backward. I stood up to lock the door and turned off the light. I carefully approached her in the dark. "Ssshh.... Don't let the others know!" I said. Accidentally, I touched her cheeks and it was wet. "A... Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes, I am," Sana answered while trying to control her emotion. "I'm just happy, Haeju. I am..... Happy........."

I could sense that she is smiling at me. I wiped her tears with my thumb. "Yes, Sana, me too," That was the last words I said before I smooched her again...................

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