Tzuyu's Fanfiction - Part 2

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That was the first time and the last time I did it with Sana.

After that everything became normal again. I had a serious disscussion with her and we decided not to do that again. "At least not in the condition like that. Kekeke..." Sana joked.

I also had talked to Tzuyu and she said she was okay about it. Sana and Tzuyu had promised that we would never talk about this stuff with the other members. I was glad to hear that promise from them. Sadly, now I didn't go out with Tzuyu as often as before, but probaly it was because Twice became busier with the schedule. Tzuyu had moved to sleep with me again so I thought everything was okay. From the way Tzuyu treated me, I guessed everything was okay. I REALLY hoped that everything was okay.......

Few weeks after that night, me and the members were watching a romantic movie on DVD. It was a valentine day so the members decided to watch an old romantic movie titled 'Very Ordinary Couple'. The movie was good, but listening to the girls talking about valentine during a movie was more enjoyable! We talked about boys, some sunbaes, possible things we would do if we had a boyfriend, talking about Mina's ex, someone's boyfriend and many other things related to love.

What funny was tomorrow would be my birthday and it seemed that everyone didn't realize it. It would be so funny if I surprised them the next two days by telling that I just had a birthday alone. Hahaha... It was okay tho, I didn't expect much since it was my first birthday with Twice anyway. Would be forgivable if they didn't know it yet. I had a plan with Nayeon tomorrow. I decided to buy some foods and souvenirs for the members to celebrate my birthday. Nayeon had no idea about that. I also was really glad Jype didn't give us schedules these 2 days so we could enjoy the holiday! (But it was so tiring few days ago because we needed to perform in 5 pre-recorded valentine shows hmm.....)

Since Sana was beside me, I talked to her when I wanted to go back to my room. "Yeah, good night, Ju," she answered and gave me a kinda meaningful smile. When entering the room I was surprised because there was a pink box on my bed. I couldn't any name on it except a card said "Happy Valentine, Haeju!". I opened it and found chocolates inside. "Oh my God, this is a really expensive brand! Why is it anonymous? Is it from......" Suddenly the door was opened, I was so surprised. It was Tzuyu!

"What's going on, Unnie.....? Oh!" Tzuyu recognized the box and the wrapping paper. "Is that a gift for you??"

"Mm... Yes, it is." I told her to sit down and then I showed her the chocolate.

"Whoaa! From who is this? Mark sunbae?" Tzuyu asked.

"No, I just found it on my bed, Tzuyu, so it can't be from him."

"Then is it from..... Sana unnie?" she asked me again.

"Hmm.... Maybe. She acts awkward tonight," I said.

"Oh yeah, must be from her then! I think she just wants to fix her relationship with you about.... Mm..... You know..... I also see that both of you are not close anymore," Tzuyu explained me her theory.

"Hmm... I think you're right, Tzuyu. Anyway you want some?" I offered it to her.

"Of course not, it's a gift for you," Tzuyu said.

"It's okay, we can share."

"No, Unnie. I can't......." Tzuyu insisted.

Then I ate one chocolate and picked another to give it to her. "It's okay, dear. I have eaten one. I can't eat this alone and I think the other member shouldn't know about this either so..... Please," I begged her. After that we ended up eating the chocolate together in room while chatting until midnight. It was a memorable night with Tzuyu because finally we can get close again. But still, I needed to make sure who actually gave me this chocolate.

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