My First Mafia Game - Part 4

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"While I was pinching her, I felt that her arm was so cold. Maybe she was just going numb that's all," Tzuyu says, "It can be because she is afraid right now."

"I see......"

"Yes, it can be...."

"If this is not a dream, why did Mina hang herself then? It was so absurd!"

"She said she was angry because of the mafia game--"

"Ridiculous! Mina is a nice person. She wouldn't think like that....."

"I agree. That really didn't look like Mina that I know."


"This whole thing is unusual since the beginning. Anyway--" Jeongyeon comes to me and holds my shoulder. "Haeju, do you really think that this is just a dream?"

"I don't know, Jeongyeon. This is just too real to be a dream."

"But can you at least believe me? As your friend...."

Wha... What do you mean? Yes yes, of course, I'll believe you as-- Whoaaa!" Jeongyeon suddenly pushes me. She manages my arm stretches while falling that makes me can't grab her. I get it, she is trying to wake me up! She is giving me the falling sensation that can wake people up from their sleep. Right now my body feels heavy, but yet my head feels light.

I close my eyes and let my body falling......

"Haeju!" I can hear Sana shouts. Suddenly I feel like floating. Someone has caught my body from behind. I open my eyes to see who does that. It's Tzuyu.

"Argh... How can this method not work too!?" Jeongyeon sounds frustrated.

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