My First Mafia Game - Part 5

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Tzuyu helps me to stand again. "Should we throw him from the stairs?"

"NO!!!" Sana exclaims, "What do you mean, Tzuyu? She can be really hurt instead! Maybe we aren't in a dream anyway. Look, I was just shocked before. That was why I got that idea."

"Alright, Sana, we get it. Chill..... I think we all are just shock because what's happening tonight."

"Haeju is right. Let's calm ourself first. Come to me, guys. Let's make a circle and just sit for a while...." Jeongyeon asks us. Then three of us do what she suggested. "Okay, guys, let me say what I've been thinking about our current situation......

If this is a dream, it actually makes sense. Why? Because first, everything that has happened tonight is so weird. How can our dearest Mina kill herself just because of a mafia game? We know that she is kind and humble, so it's kinda impossible for her to have that kind of thought. And after that Nayeon suddenly showed up out of nowhere? It's too bizarre.... And think about Momo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung's death. One little girl like Mina killed all of them in a night? That's just impossible! It's more than enough to explain that this isn't real, guys. We haven't even met Jihyo yet anyway. Where is she? This dorm is not that big, how can we still not find her, right?

Okay second, in a dream we never remember the beginning of it. If this is not a dream we would have remembered what we did before playing mafia game. But do you?" Jeongyeon asks us.

"Before playing mafia game? That's easy. We were doing a preparation for it," Sana answers.

"And before that?" Jeongyeon asks again.

"Ngg.... Momo was angry! And you calmed her down."

"Aaaand before that?"

Sana can't answer it this time. Neither me or Tzuyu. If I think about it again. Jeongyeon is right. All I remember is Momo was angry to us, that's all. I can't remember what was before that, what I did yesterday, or even this morning.

"So, this is Haeju's dream, right?" Tzuyu tries to confirm. "Since she is the one who couldn't feel hurt."

"Yup, that's correct."

"But why is it so real then? I can touch you, guys. I can see everything around me clearly. I can feel my existence. Dream can't be like this!" I say.

"About that, I think you are in a really deep sleep. Maybe in a comma. That also explains why you can't wake up although you try."

"Gosh, that sounds so bad!"

"Yeah, Sana, it's really bad," I say as I look up and look around, "I'm trapped in my own nightmare......."

That makes everybody silent for a while. "So... What should we do now?"

"Mm.... Do you guys still remember our last mafia game? By remember, I mean the order of the elimination."

"Oh, why should we remember that?"

"Because, Sana, the order is kinda similar to what has happened to people who are dead. Let's me explain it! So, the first person who died in the game was Jihyo, and then Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Mina, and Nayeon. Right? So after Momo died, Jihyo was missing. Probably she has been killed now tho. After that we found Chaeyoung's corpse and, not long after that, Dahyun was killed. After her, Mina killed herself and then Naeyon was killed too. Jihyo, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Mina, Nayeon. It's the same order!"

"Wow, you are right!"

"I don't think it that far....."

"Me too, me too! Awesome, Jeongyeon!

"Thanks... So in our last game, the death row has ended there. The game was paused. But based on what was happening earlier, the killer would kill either Sana or Tzuyu on the next round as they were the innocents. The killer couldn't kill the detective because she claimed herself as a detective. The killer tried to protect her identity until the end. Both me and Haeju claimed that we were the detective. So, one of us must have lied. One of us is the killer." We are listening to Jeongyeon's explanation closely. It's quite complicated. "I think knowing our roles can't really help us to finish the game anyway. To be honest, I don't know what to do now. So let's just wait until something happens. Shall we?"

"So we just do nothing..?" I ask before I immediately realize that Jeongyeon's plan is actually waiting until someone just dies. Waiting until the death row continues. "Ah ok, I understand, Jeongyeon."

"Understand what?"

"Nothing, Sana. Not really important.'

"Let's just wait...."

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