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      That night night have been the first night in Miles's life that the manor wasn't quiet.

Blaring music echoed through the long corridors from the room Miles was in, stuck in place, the room seemed so small to him, like he was trapped. Flora had tried her best to stay silent, her hand pressed over her mouth as she was crouched down on the floor, the muffled music could be hear from her room.

Kate was in absolute hysterics, running through the many hallways and calling out for the two children, and Ms. Grose now assumed the form of a lifeless husk at the bottom of the balcony.

Miles merely jumped at the sound of the door slamming open and Kate shouting out his name loudly. He didn't look up from the drumsticks he was swiftly patting his lap.

The whole thing was a blur in Miles's mind, all he remembered was being yelled at before he was pulled to his senses, the overwhelming force urging him to stay put was lifted and the red tint to his vision faded as a hand grabbed his as he was dragged out of the room, his ears ringing loudly and his head spun.

He remembered seeing Flora, he remembered her running to him and grabbing his arm, not letting go until they got to the car, he remembered staring into the rearview window and seeing him in the back seat, but when Miles blinked, he was gone, all that was there was a horrifed and teary-eyed Flora sitting uncomfortably with her knees to her chest.

Kate didn't say anything, neither did Miles or Flora. Miles didn't know where they were going or if they'd ever come back, but he didn't care, he was feeling too many things to care.

He picked at the threads of his red sweater, staring at the road ahead, dimly lit by the headlights of Kate's car. As minutes ticked by and the car passed through the gates to the property, Miles felt his heart rate slow and his baited breathes returned to normal.

Strangely enough, Miles wasn't scared anymore, he was angry, angry because he had to leave everything behind. Miles never had anything besides Flora and the things in his room, and there was a possibility he was never getting one of the two back.

Miles still didn't speak up about any of it though, he knew now wasn't the time. His occasional glances into the rear view mirror told him Flora was still petrified and while he couldn't bring himself to look at Kate he could still sense she was shaken up as well. Now was not the time to be selfish and complain.

It felt like hours of silence before Miles was able to bring himself to close his eyes, he didn't fall asleep, but he couldn't bring himself to open them again as he leaned his head on his seatbelt. Kate rolled down her window a little under halfway, Miles felt better immediately as the cold night breeze rushed into the car, he sighed quietly.

Miles soon found himself being lulled to sleep, a miracle considering what had just happened earlier that night. Flora had already fallen asleep, curled up in the back seat, snoring softly. She was unusually peaceful given the situation.

Kate was still nervous, her hand shaking as she gripped the steering wheel, the only thing keeping her awake was her own thoughts. She didn't know where they were going, but the first thing that came to her mind was Rose. She didn't have her phone, or anything of her belongings for that matter, but she knew as soon as she got somewhere where she could, she'd call her.

Kate drove the whole night, she knew it would take possibly another day or two until she got back to her old apartment, but she didn't have another choice but to drive. She barely had any money, surely not enough for a hotel, and everything she brought with her for her stay at the estate was left behind. So all she could do was drive...

And drive...

And drive...

And see where she ended up...

AUTHORS NOTE: Hi guys so let me give a quick expo, uh basically I'm pulling a thobm and we can pretend Kate wasn't crazy and Miles wasn't gaslighting her and there really was ghosts in the house. Oh so scary, anyways yeah, that's like it, bye.

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