Jeongyeon - Part 5 END

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"So, what did happen there?" Jeongyeon doesn't seem ready to talk about it when I ask her, although there's no one in this room except two of us. The other members are in the TV room watching a movie. "Did Aniq say something bad to you?" I ask her again.
"No no... That's not it," She finally speaks, "Well, it was a good thing to say after all...."
"Ooh... Then why do you look so restless?"
"Am I?"
"Yes... I'm worried."
She takes a deep breath before finally says, "Okay, the fact is...... Aniq confessed his feeling to me, Ju."
"Oh really? I knew it!"
"You did?"
"Kinda have expected it. He is close to you, right? And you are pretty. Nice too..........."
"No!" Jeongyeon cuts me. I'm startled. "How can I be....... Ugh! Mm... Do you want to know what he said to me, Haeju?"
"Yes, please tell me."
"Mm... He said that he liked me since the first time we met. When I asked why he answered that because I was fun and beautiful! AND THAT'S WHY I...!" Jeongyeon doesn't finish her sentence.
"That's... That's why you what?"
"I rejected him of course. That was nonsense!"
I'm surprised by her yelling. "Wait... I'm sorry Jeongyeon, I don't follow. Why is it a... nonsense?"
"Because of his reasons! I'm not fun. Duh! And obviously, not beautiful as he said. He must be lying. What did he even think about me at that moment? I can't believe he said that!" Still, Jeongyeon shocks me with what she says. I'm not sure what to say right now. "Was it because it was already late. I was alone. Did he think that I was easy so he approached me like that?? What a pervert!"
"Yeah, I shouldn't let him follow you that time....." I try to just agree with ther for now.
"I know right! It was so fortunate that I could leave him!"
I can see that Jeongyeon looks quite angry about it. But, to be honest, I don't think this is right. "Hmm... Are you sure he really thinks like that, Jeongyeon? It looks like that he is a nice guy for me."
"Men are all the same, Haeju."
"Ah yeah, we can't judge someone by his look I guess....... But I'm confused with the fact that you don't believe him just because he said you were fun and beautiful."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I mean you ARE fun and beautiful."
"What??" She looks at me weirdly. "I'm not the fun type nor the visual type. You can say that to someone like Nayeon, Dahyun, Mina, or anyone else, but not me!"
"No, I don't think so.... Look, I'm not lying. Anyway didn't both of you always have fun together every meeting? It's logical that he thinks you are fun." Jeongyeon can't say a word. I continue speaking. "And if you want me to be really honest," I lower my voice, "For me, you are top 5 pretty members of Twice! You are even better than some of the idols from the other groups. You are visual! And I'm not trying to make you feel good. Trust me, I'm just being honest. Well, I can't say you are the prettiest tho hmm......."
It looks like she doesn't believe what I just said. "Do you really think so?"
"Of course!"
"Mm... Hah! Yeah, he might think that I'm fun. But am I.... Nah! I'm not pretty, Ju"
"Don't you often hear people compliment you?"
"Yes, but it's just either formality or a joke. And most of the compliments are after I become the part of Twice, not before. I grow up as an unpretty girl, Haeju, People didn't compliment me as beautiful. Why do you think it is? But it's okay, I have accepted since the long time ago." she explains.
"That actually makes sense because you have this serious aura when you don't talk. You are charismatic. I guess people didn't see you as an easy girl. You are also so playful so they are more likely to see you as a friend to joke with. It just happened that Aniq was brave enough to confess what he really felt about you that night........" I try to convinve her for the last time. If she doesn't get what I mean with this, I don't know what I can say to her anymore.
Jeongyeon is thinking about it. "Oh, I don't know, Ju. I'm not sure about it. By the way, earlier you said that I was top 5 in Twice, didn't you? Now, who do you think is the prettiest member in Twice? I think I will accept what you say if I can prove that you really have a good taste."
"Hmm.... But don't tell anyone, okay?"
"The prettiest? That's easy actually. Obviously ME......." I say simply. It's quite for a second until both of us laughing. "Do you still think there's wrong with my eyes? Hahaha....."
"Hahaha... I can't argue with that!" she says. I think the situation is cooling down again.
I grab both of her hands. She is surprised and looks at me. I stares at her eyes. "Please Jeongyeon, after this, never think that you are not pretty again. Okay? I know that you are prefer to be dorky or using your handsome girl-crush persona, but you are still gorgeous for me no matter what. You can't lie to yourself, the face is there. You are beautiful inside and outside.
And to be honest it's kinda annoying for me as a girl to see someone who is so pretty yet she denies it. There is a difference between being humble and unconfident, right? Again, promise me that you won't think yourself as not-a-pretty-type, please."
"Y.. Yeah.. Alright, Ju," Jeongyeon stutters.
"Good. Hah! Thanks." I smile widely.
Finally, her hands that I'm grabbing become more relaxed. It's so quiet. Jeongyeon looks at both of my eyes for a second, then her head comes closer to me. All of sudden she lands a kiss on my lips. I'm so surprised!!! It's so quick and unexpected. I look at her and try to read her expression. But I guess I know what she is thinking. Every girls are happy when someone says that she is pretty, right? Maybe she feels so loved today.

So am I.

I'm glad I can be a friend of this charismatic-yet-beautiful woman.

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