My First Mafia Game - Part 13

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"Haeju, are you okay?" I'm shocked! I see Jeongyeon is right in front of my face. She looks so worried. It's so bright all of sudden that makes me dazzled, so I try to cover my eyes quickly.

"No no no nooooo!!!" Some people behind Jeongyeon make noises. It's Twice! Everybody is here.

"Don't move your hand recklessly, Ju," Jeongyeon says. I notice that my hand is connected by a pipe to an infusion pump. I'm also laying on a bed in a cold room. I... I......

"What's happening here?" I ask them weakly.

"You are in a hospital, Ju. You've been here for more than two weeks now."

What?? Gosh..... Oh right, I realize I have something to do! "JEONGYEON ARE YOU OKAY?!"

"Wait, Ju, calm down, I....."


"It's just a dream, Unnie," Tzuyu strokes my hair gently. Now they are trying to calm me down. Dahyun gives me a glass of water to drink.

I'm frozen as I'm so confused. I know what's happening, but I don't know what to do. "May I ask something to you, guys?" Everyone becomes silent to hear my question. "Why are you all guys here?"

Nayeon answers, "Well, the schedule is rearranged after you get sick. So we are all free now. And we can't just let you alone in the hospital all the time so--"

"BUT WHY???" I cut her. She looks startled. I beat my fear and ask them what I've been curious for a long time. "Why do you care about me?"

Now everyone is focused on me. They look afraid and confused. I guess they don't know what to answer......

"Because...." Sana starts to speak,"......You are our friend, silly!" She looks at me in the eyes. "You are MY friend."

"My friend too!" Mina follows her.

"Yeah, my friend too," Chaeyoung says.

"But.... But.... I'm not a good friend. I'm not fun nor kind. Since I have been here, there are already so many problems that I make. I'm troublesome. I know I need to be taken care a lot and I bet it's tiring for you. To be honest, I'm okay if you all treat me just as a partner for work. It was not your decision to recruit as Twice members anyway. But still, why you treat me as a friend??" I tell them what I truly feel. Maybe I shouldn't say something like that. I don't know what I shall do anymore. I.....

"Yeah, you are NOT my friend!!!" Momo says. Everyone is surprised to hear that. Momo approaches me,"You are my FAMILY now. It's already like that, Haeju. And now I just can't leave you. We can't leave a family member, right?"

"Yeah.. Yeah.. Agree..." The others look at each other while mumbling.


"Of course, dear."

I'm so touched to hear that. I'm speechless, but I feel relieved. I look at their beautiful faces one by one. Suddenly my head becomes so heavy......

All my body are shivering......

I feel so weak........

Everything becomes so dark again........






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