My First Mafia Game - Part 14 END

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"I DON'T WANT TO PLAY!!!" Momo yells. She turns her face away from us while we are all watching her blankly.

"C'mon, Momo! Everyone is waiting. It won't be fun without you," Jeongyeon says.

Wait? What is this? I'm back! Everyone is fine now.

"..........But this is Haeju's first mafia game. Right, Ju?" Jeongyeon says again.

Is she asking me? Ah, right, just like the beginning of my dream. Now there's something I need to change.....

"Right!" I step forward confidently this time. "You are right, Momo," I whisper to her.

"Right about what?" Momo turns her head to see me with her confused face.

"I mean.... Can we just play it, pleaaaase?" I kneel in front of her while holding her hands. I'm being bubbly in front of her so she notices me. "Please play the game for me. I am the new Twice family member, aren't I?" I try to persuade her. "You know what, I will make sure we play it as a family this time. No one will get hurt. Deal?"

"I don't want to get hurt again....."

"You won't! I promise."

Momo looks into my eyes deeply. "For our family?"

"For our family." I nod and smile. "Trust me."

In the end, as I wish, Momo agrees. Everyone is happy because of that. They escort her to go outside the room. I realize that it's just blankly white behind the door. Nothing's more. I'm looking at Sana and Tzuyu are leaving the room when suddenly a hand surprises me from behind. It's Jeongyeon!

"I've got my answer, Jeongyeon. I understand now," I tell her. Well, in fact, I'm just asking myself. She is just someone in my head after all.

"What is it?"

"I always believe that no friendship lasts forever. I believe that I'm not born to get a long-lasting friend. It's because I'm so bad at socializing. I won't be a good friend for anyone. I feel like it's my destiny."

Jeongyeon is listening to me closely.

"But then I realize that's not the case." I grab her arm. "If I want a best friend, I need to pursue it! I need to keep trying to be their best friend."

"Yup! Friendship is not a magic, it's a miracle of hard work....." I'm surprised with what Jeongyeon says. I try to understand what she means. "The members already love you, Haeju. You have known that. Now all is up to you," she says again.

I take a deep breath. "Yeah, you are right, Jeongyeon. I guess loving is not that easy........." I say as I pull her out of the room. Jeongyeon walks along with me. We go to the bright light. Disappear here. Together.

I  really love my new friends! If I don't want them to leave me one day, I shall start to believe that they love me too. I need to believe that they won't leave me alone. That they need me as much I need them.........

......I have to trust them!

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now