Family affair

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" Jay get up . We gotta go to the school! Lianna got into a fight." Pooch said touching my arm

I was tired as hell I just opened up another business here in the " A " and we just had our release party and I didn't get in until after 6 in the morning . I don't know how the hell Mariah do this shit . She was up and out the door by 9 this morning going to her shop to do fittings for her celebrity clients .

" bae I'm tired. Can you just go to this one? I'll cook for the house , help the twins with their work when they get home , all lat . I'm just tired as hell and hung over . Pleaseeeeeeee baby." I begged her putting the pillow over my head

" no get ya ass up . Me. Boss man . You gonna wanna go to this one . Wait till you see who ya daughter got into a fight with ." Pooch said taking the pillow off my head

I sat up and looked at her

" it better not had been with no Nigga because imma beat the boy ass , his daddy ass and then REESE ass for letting my baby fight some Nigga ." I said getting up to get my clothes

I will fuck shit up over all of my kids and everybody know that.

" It wasn't no boy Jayceon . It was Nia. The school called and said her and Nia got into a full out brawl in the cafeteria and they are suspending them for the rest of the school year. I mean school already almost over now but still. Why the hell they fighting and then each other at that? These damn kids I tell you baby." Pooch said fixing her shirt in the mirror

" what you mean? Like LiLi and Nia got into a fight with someone else? Because I know damn well they wasn't fighting each other I know that wasn't what happened. Hell no." I said putting toothpaste on my toothbrush

" No babe . They were fighting each other." Mariah said confirming what I couldn't believe

I picked my phone up and had 30 missed calls and 13 texts from Keyon. I opened one of the messages ;

KEY: Nigga why is our dumb ass daughters fighting each other. I'm still drunk from your opening last night and I gotta get up to go with Tamara ass to the school for this shìt ? How you wanna go about this? Because I'm ready to be the big dawg and not soft daddy. They getting out of hand now.

ME: Hell yeah. They been getting out of hand. More so Lianna with her mouth but Nia too. We just sit back and be the referees with our wives , that shit gotta change now.

KEY: BET! We just pulled up , hurry up Nigga !

About 5 minutes later me and Pooch was walking out the door .

I opened the passenger door for her and watched her as she got in .

" Damn baby. You got a husband or sum?" I said smacking her ass

She smiled and pushed me .

" you see this rock on my finger right?" She winked putting her big ass rock I got her in my face

I laughed and jogged over to the drivers side and pulled off .

I let Pooch out in the front and I went to find parking. I walked inside the school and I hear a whole bunch of arguing and commotion .

" she threw the phone at my face!!! What was I supposed to do . I didn't wanna fight her! She just be thinking she gonn do anything and punk everybody and she won't do it to me I tell you that!" Nia said to Key .

I guess Key asked what happened

" NO ! She's fake that's why i threw my phone at her . She being friends with an OPP ! The same girl that I had to beat up uncle Key! That's fake!" Lianna yelled back

" Lianna stop yelling." I heard Mariah say

" How you gonn tell me to sit down and not her when she the one standing up and yelling! I'll sit down when she does period." I heard Lianna say back

Oh hell no . This little girl losing it!

I walked in the room. It was Lianna, Nia , Mara, key , the principle and the vice principle.

" Lianna sit your ass the fuck down like your mother told you to! The fuck is wrong with you talking back to your mother! You wouldn't talk to me like that so don't try it with my wife. You fighting in school and your cousin at that, looking dumb. You wrong trying to argue. Nia sit yo ass down too and listen to what the hell the grown people in the room gotta say. Ya'll asses been getting out of hand with ya'll mouths when it come to ya mamas and this where the fuck this shìt stop!" I said yelling making Nia and Li start to tear.

The room was completely quiet now.

" Hello Mr. Brown. Thank you for coming. I'm so sorry that you had to stop your day or leave work to be here for this nonsense ." The principal said .

We sat down and listened to the story of the situation and I just got so pissed off at why they even fought to begin with . The meeting was over and Nia and Lianna was still looking mad . These dumb asses got a week suspension . I'm glad it's Friday because they about to clean the damn house like Cinderella . I've been laid back and letting my daughter and my niece live like princesses well not I gotta show them who I really am and how their actions can't keep being like this . I looked at my phone and it was 2:16 and we were about to walk out the building . I seen Roy and Tanya . Of course I dapped my guy up and then I gave Tanya a hug and then Pooch gave both of them a hug . It's crazy we all really came a long way . I'm so glad they put they shit aside .

" what ya'll doing here?" I asked Roy.

" picking up Maurice. He told us about the fight and he said he just wasn't in the mood to stay anymore . He feels like it's his fault." Roy said

Before I could answer, Reese walked out the building and approached me

" Man . I'm sorry all this happened bruh . I shoulda listened to you and just not had fucked Gia . Now this shit so messy because I decided to do that out of spite . I'm so sorry ya'll . Imma fix it . I can't go back into time to undo that, but I wish I could . Nia , I know your heart so big and you just was tryna be a lending hand and you're not wrong . Much respect ." Reese said

Lianna looked at him like he was crazy.

" BUT ... Li, your feelings are valid as well . You feel betrayed . Nia you could have came and talk to Lianna . Baby I'm sorry for making this mess and you keep getting your feelings hurt but I promise , that's all in the past . You have nothing to worry about . But ya'll gotta fix this . We all family ." Reese said

I got so much respect for this lil Nigga . You own his shit and he do whatever to make my daughter happy but won't ever lead her in the wrong direction , whether she wanna go that way or not , he leading . He good in my book until he ain't.

" Fix it." He said to Lianna.

He hugged her, kissed her forehead and walked to the car with Roy and T.

" Go get in the car Lianna." Pooch said

She walked past Nia and they both rolled their eyes at each other .

I rubbed my hand over my head and sighed .

" This should be a great family weekend."

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