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You were walking down the hallway of the school when you're suddenly slammed against your locker. It was the usual group of the popular girls.

You sigh deeply, "What do you want now Britney?"

She smirks, "Just the usual."

She punches you in the stomach making you double over in pain. You sit up.

You groan, "Fuck you Britney. You and your minions can kiss my ass."

She chuckles, "you're all talk but no bite bitch."

You always talked back to them, but wouldn't fight back. They all start hitting and kicking you beating the shit out of you. By the time they're done you are bruised, bloody and unconscious. No one ever tries to stop them. Not even the teachers because her dad was the principal and her mom was head of the school board.

They walk away leaving you there. Everyone went about their day walking past your unconcerned body like it was normal, but for everyone it was. The main school bully was Leo.

He walks past you chuckling, "How pathetic."

He keeps going meeting up with his friends. They leave and you gather all of your strength. You get up and walk home.

~the next day~

You don't show up at school. Leo was hanging out in the hallway with his friends. He was the only one who noticed you didn't show up to school. It worried him. Why? He doesn't know. He never really talked to you.

That's when he realized. He never even knew you. He just bullied you for no reason.

~a week later~

You finally come back to school. You were still the same nerdy girl you were before. Your bruises had healed , but you still had scars. You just covered them up with an oversized hoodie. You were walking down the hallway not paying attention.

You end up bumping into someone.

You mumble softly, "s-sorry."

You look up and see Leo. You back away scared. You were afraid he was gonna beat you up. He looks at you softly. Over the past week he had realized that he had feelings for you. He had decided that from now on he would protect you instead of hurting you.

He wants to try to gain your trust and hopefully one day confess his feelings for you.

You shakily mutter out, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Please don't hurt me."

His voice soft, "it's okay. Look I'm really sorry for bullying you. It was for absolutely no reason, and you didn't deserve that. I am truly sorry Y/N."

You look at him skeptically. You thought he was tricking you. You could tell he was being genuine by his soft expression on his face. You just nod at him and walk away. He just watches you walk off.

~two weeks later~

He had kept you protected from Britney and her bitches. You were still very careful around him. He was basically always with you. He made you sit next to him in class, at lunch, and even stand by him in the halls. He wasn't gonna give Britney the chance to do anything to you.

His friends were very confused by his behavior though. Regardless they welcomed you to the group. You just stay quiet as they talked. You mostly just read your book and ate your lunch which only consisted of an apple.

You didn't like eating in front of people. You mostly ever really ate anything at home. This worried Leo since you only ever ate an apple in front them. That was all they ever saw you eat. He ends up feeding you a few bites of his food and surprisingly you let him.

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