2 「L U S T F U L - L O O K S」 3

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𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒, Catherine paused giving her head a small disguised shake, before she scooted back in the passenger seat away from Paul.

With how close they were a moment ago, she was so close to lunging forwards to just bring the man in for a kiss as their lips were barely inches apart.

And she could see the lust that was also building up in Paul's eyes, but Catherine knew that she couldn't let this go any further.

She loved Jacob, and Jacob only.

"It is," Catherine spoke slightly awkwardly as she once again began avoiding eye contact with the older man, trying to get back to the topic at hand. "I kind of miss it."

Paul, on the other hand, for a split second had a look of sadness come over his face as he watched Catherine back away from him.

He'd felt the tension at the moment they'd just had, felt how close they were, he longed for them to be closed thanks to the imprint bond, but he knew she wouldn't give in to him so easily.

She dated Jacob, the future leader of the pack, and Paul didn't want a rejuvenated version of Sam's story.

So he'd have to wait, wait until Jacob shifter before he could make his move on his imprint.

"But that's not why I came to talk to you." Catherine said after the two of them sat in slightly awkward silence for a few moments, the girl looking up to meet his eyes again.

Despite his being a dark brown color, that matched hers, every time she looked into them she couldn't help the way she'd get lost just looking into them, looking at him.

Yet every time she did, she couldn't help the pain in her chest as her mind quickly reminded her that she was happy with Jacob and she refused to even think about cheating on him.

"Then why are you out here," Paul asked leaning back away from the girl, not wanting to make her uncomfortable although right after he spoke that a clash of thundering rang out around them. "in the middle of a thunderstorm?"

Letting out a small awkward chuckle at the comedic timing of Paul's words and the absolute thunderstorm going on outside the car, Catherine tried her best to frame the question in her mind before speaking.

"I was wondering if you and your friends," She began to ask the older man as she twiddled with the tips of her fingers, glancing at and away from his face repeatedly. "the rest of you guys, could possibly, maybe, umm..."

"Use your words." Paul cut her off after she'd begun to trail off, her words having begun getting lower and lower in volume as she hesitated on saying what was on her mind.

Hearing his words, Catherine couldn't help the little squeak that left her lips as she hadn't expected him to say anything like that, so her dirty mind just took it another way.

And that way, made caused her to quickly squeeze her legs together as a small tingle started to develop between them.

"Can you guys leave Jacob alone," Catherine asked quickly whilst she still had enough confidence to say what she wanted to without backing out of it. "I mean I heard a few of you guys used to be friends with him, but the staring and the looks aren't nice."

With that the car was almost immediately engulfed in silence, the only sound being the rain that was coming down on the car from the outside.

Paul on the other hand let out a small scoff/chuckle before he turned forwards looking out of the windshield, but seeing this Catherine felt that she might have come off wrong.

So she did the only thing that she thought could help at a moment like this, she quickly rifled through the bag that she had brought along with her.

Pulling out the large Tupperware bowl that she'd filled up with cupcakes for the others at the station, but coincidentally forgot to give to them when she was rushing out to follow Paul.

"Cupcake?" She asked as she held one out towards the man, causing him to look back over at her with a slightly amused look on his face before he gently grabbed the desert.

"So-Did Jacob, have you tell you to talk to one of us?" He asked with another small chuckle, whilst he gently unwrapped the paper off of the cupcake.

He hadn't expected the girl to come to him about something like this, and he was one-hundred percent sure that Jacob would never have asked her to come to them about this.

From what he knew about Jacob from Jared and Embry, the future alpha didn't seem like one to have others handle his problems for him.

"No, actually he told me to do the opposite," Catherine confessed with a small chuckle whilst she tucked her hair behind her ear again, due to her nerves. "guess I can't ever just leave well enough alone huh?"

"Guess not," Paul chuckled and joked right along with her, the tension in the car letting up only slightly as the sexual tension lessened. "I'll try and get Sam and the rest of the guys to back off."

With that Catherine quickly gave the man a thankful smile, before watching as he took a bite of the cupcake as she wanted his honest opinion on how it tasted.

But the girl almost immediately began to giggle as she watched the man's eyes widen before he continuously glanced between her and the cupcake.

"Oh my god, this is amazing," Paul praised the cupcake as he quickly took another bite of it, he hadn't expected them to taste so delicious. "where'd you get it?"

"I made 'em," Catherine continued to giggle as she watched the man take another bite of the cupcake, simply devouring it with his large bites. "what'd you think?"

"I'd marry you for a lifetime supply of these," Paul exaggerated with wide eyes as he looked over at Catherine before he took the final bite of his cupcake. "how'd you make these?"

Before she could even answer, Catherine's words were caught in her throat as she watched him lick the last little bit of whatever was left of the cupcakes from his fingers.

The man even let out a small groan as he went over his middle and ring fingers at the same time, taking both of them into his mouth.

"It's an-uhm," Catherine tried to speak although her voice cracked for a moment as Paul finally took his now clean fingers out of his mouth. "family-family secret."

Watching him Catherine once again began imagining him doing so many things to her with those same fingers, her eyes never leaving his much larger hands and mouth, things that could make a Nun catch a nosebleed.

"See something you like?" Paul asked after a few seconds, the man had been looking directly at her for the last few seconds whilst she watched him lick his fingers.

To be one-hundred percent honest, he'd known she was staring from the moment he'd placed his fingers in his mouth, he'd wanted her to.

"Sorry." Catherine quickly apologized diverting her eyes from the man, a bright red blush coming over her tanned cheeks whilst she looked down at her lap.

"Hey, I'm just kidding," Paul quickly spoke with a small chuckle as he watched the blush grow to her ears, and just like Catherine he'd begun thinking some not-so-clean things. "trust me I don't mind the staring, think it's flattering, cute."

Taking another once over of the girl's face, Paul couldn't think of anything other than having her laid flat on her back on top of a large wooden table.

Completely naked whilst he ate her out with everything he had in him, just listening to her whine, plead, and beg him to do more despite how many orgasms she'd have.

Although the first few times she pleaded he wouldn't listen, he'd just keep going down on her, listening over and over, feeling her bury her hand in his hair.

God had just a few minutes talking to her and he already wanted to do so many things to her, have her in so many ways, Paul couldn't wait for the day he had her all to himself.

He'd ruin her in ways she'd probably never even thought possible.

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