Meeting Moon

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3 weeks later (she rembers her past now)

Star's Pov: I don't know why but killing him made me feel good as if I was more than just a machine like I actually had thoughts and feelings than just being a pile of bolts Eclipse has taught me so much abut this new world I was now calling home the only home I can think of was that dark place I was trapped in when Eclipse found me that day that was the only time I could ever see my surroundings I also loved the feeling when I knew I did something that impressed Eclipse like when I killed my first time or I figured out how to code just by watching him tho he mat have fixed me and some of my hardware most of my programming is the same expect for me having to obey Eclipse but that I didn't mind he seemed like he likes me and I think of him as someone to protect and care for me for once than just leaving me behind like the friends I've made I decided to take a walk against Eclipse's rules he inforced for me when I asked him why he just smiled creepy and said that I wasn't ready to meet "them" yet tho I don't know who "them" hey Eclipse I'm going to find some more spare parts for that project we've been working on sounds good just make sure to stay out of sight
Want me to bring you something to have? Have you forgotten unlike you I can't eat oh right sorry hehe I'll be going now but IM getting me something yah ok just don't take too long  I then left to explore I wasn't totally lying I was going to get parts like I said but also exploring a bit but after a while I was near the entrance and I saw someone who looked like me a bit but blue and male and also jester like stareing at me with red eyes

Moon's Pov: I went out to try find a way to track Eclipse I was going to go somewhere out of the pizzaplex to help with that when I noticed another animatronic they seemed to be female I've never seen her before she looked like she was looking for something she then noticed I was there we locked eyes for that moment before she disappeared h-how is that even possible she then appeared in front of me sorry I tent to Scare someone I know when I do that cloaking ability anyways I'm Stardrop so that's your name she then nods well I'm moon cool name she then looks at the time on the clock shit He's gonna be so mad at me I was supposed to be back by now and I still haven't found any parts for that stupid project maybe I can help I mean I was just about to go out for parts foe my own project by the way who's thus he you keep saying is he your creator oh no my creator abandoned me in this place In that back room with the locked door I wasn't working properly and since he was lazy he just decided to take me apart and leave me here and erase my memories the person your referring to fixed me and now I work with him or for can't really tell the difference anyways he's scares me when I disobey him or make him mad so I just do what he asked tho sometimes it's funny seeing him mad well I guess I'll see you later also I don't that friend of yours is very.... nice it's fine I'm sure he's just getting used to me being around he'll warm up eventually I then sway wave bye as she went off running

Star's Pov: I finally got back with the parts and other stuff Eclipse did not look happy in fact he looked mad u-uh hey Eclipse I got what you asked for where were you oh I was just star them takes a sigh and decides to tell the truth I went exploring I know you told me not to because you wanted me to stay a secret but I just got so curious that I couldn't help  it I know your mad and I'm sorry I really am but hey atheist I did what you asked tho that isn't an excuse *sigh* did you encounter anyone and yes I am mad but I'll let you off this time cuase you still did what I asked well yes he told me his name was moon just then his whole demeanor changed he seemed more angry than like he was going to blow a fuse and I was right you're telling me that you decided to explore and you just happened to come across moon I'm sorry I didn't think it mattered who saw me if it was a human I would have killed them he then gets up from his seat and approaches me  he pushed me OF CROUSE IT MADDERS STAR DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU JUST DID   i get up and yell back WELL YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME WHO I SHOULD AND SHOULD NOT BE SEEN BY FUCK I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOUR SHITTY PLAN ANYWAYS IM JUST GETTING THE PARTS GEZZ THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS TELL ME I take a breath to clam down I'm going to my place if need something call me but I'm giving you space to cool off whatever

End of this chapter

S.A.M.S/E.A.L.S AU Aka Star AUWhere stories live. Discover now