🌸Overprotective Much🌸

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Genre: Fluff 🌸
Current Time: Monday September 16?
Location: Squad House
Reader's POV:
Sora was crying profusely, along with the rain paddling outside the window. He decide to call Alex, a friend of his that he knew for almost a year. Alex soon picked up and Sora started crying on the line again. "Alex Alex! I just woke up and Jaxx isn't here! He left me Alex he left me...What am I gonna do he was the only one I loved, what am I gonna do-" he was soon interrupted when a certain redhead entered the room. "I'm back idiot! I was just comforting Alex, she has a nightmare." Sora pulled himself under the covers and complained, "Get away from me! You left me all alone.." Jaxx huffed. "Just for a minute!" "Yeah and we're never gonna get that minute back-" they heard Alex on the other side of the phone yelling at them to go to sleep. They complied and Sora hung up on Alex after making her promise that she wasn't going to have any more nightmares. Jaxx hopped onto the bed and attempted to cuddle Sora only for him to turn away and roll off the bed. "I'd rather sleep on the floor than cuddle with a heartbreaker!" he said. "Sora, baby, I only left for a minute! Besides, Alex's nightmares sound pretty scary. I bet you'd be begging for me to cuddle you." Sora blushed as Jaxx chuckled softly and he got on the bed again. "So, are we gonna sleep or are we gonna continue fighting over this?" Jaxx said, giving Sora a quick kiss on his forehead. Sora nodded and cradled himself in Jaxxs' arms, soon feeling sleepy within each passing second. The taller male smiled and laid down, now officially cuddling. "I'm sorry Sora, I'll stay with you next time. I promise." he murmured. Sora hummed and pulled the covers over them, drifting off to sleep. At least he had someone to cuddle him, so that meant no nightmares for him. (I'm sorry Alex, I'm making a point)

I'm sorry my peeps but I wasn't lying when I said 'short' unless... I MAKE A THIRD ONE! Nah, y'all wouldn't like that. Hm, let's see... maybe I can give y'all a teaser? Good 'nuff. Bye peeps, g'night!

❤️💙𝑺𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒙𝒙 𝑶𝒏𝒆~𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔!💙❤️Where stories live. Discover now