fallen angel

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*beep beep beep* I wake up to the sound of my alarm I Check my phone '6:00 a.m' this is my first say back to school since summer bake I'm honestly kind of exited to see my friends....and him max the guy I've had a crush on since I was 5 you can't blame me though the boy is perfect. popular, blond fluffy hair, freckles, white teeth with a beautiful smile, and deep blue eyes. I smile to myself I can't wait to see him we've been friends for a bit but we're not as close as I'd like to be.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when my next alarm goes off '6:05' I start getting undressed and getting into the shower

~*time skippppp*~

After I finish getting ready I look in the mirror at my hazel eyes, brown hair and freckles. After I grab my phone and make my way down stairs and see my little brother eating breakfast I don't have time to eat or else I'll miss my bus so I just grab an apple off the counter I say by to my little brother Thomas "BYE MOM LOVE YOU"
"BYE WESLEY LOVE YOU" I hear her say from her room my dad already went to work "bye tommy" "bye sissy" be says finishing stuffing his breakfast into his mouth

When I get off the bus I walk into the gym where everyone usually sits I walk up the bleachers to my friend Shae she has really curly brown hair and dark brown eyes with tan skin I set my bag down and start talking until the rest of the group gets there all of a sudden I get a notification I open my messages and see a text

Him>❤️ : I know you're secret....

Me : uhh what secret?

*shit, shit, shit*

Him>❤️ : you like me is that true?

Me : eww hell no.

Him>❤️ : mhmmm sure....I'm abt to walk in see u soon

Me : okay bye.

Him>❤️ : bye.

I see him walk in with his brother and friends 'God he was so cute' he walks past me and gives everyone in the group a wave I look over at Shae to see her smirking at me "what" "just date him it's not that hard"
"No I'm to scard to ask..." "ha pussy" she says "hoe" i say back to her I turn around to see max laughing how could he look and be so perfect? This man has me on my knees going farrel I realize I'm staring and i quickly turn away I feel my cheeks heat up as I start to blush and the group laughs a little at my embarrassment. After school I made plans to walk to the park with Shae but I secretly wish max was gonna be there. My other friend Maddie also likes him but I don't think she really has a chance no offense but i found out a couple days ago Shae has a massive crush on someone else.

No not a crush more of an obsession to be honest. his name is Joel he's the qb of the football team also plays basketball, baseball and track he has brown curly/fluffy hair, hazles eyes with blue, honor roll student and is tall. I know right sounds to good to be true but he exists I understand why she likes him so much but he's not really my type cause my type is max.

Soon the bell rings and everyone rushes out and tries to find there classes I found mine so I go out and look for Shae I found her in the history room after she sets her stuff down we walk the halls. After I walk with Shae back to class we split up and go to separate classrooms. I have math which was not good cause I'm tired and bored already its not even 5 mins into class and I can feel my eyes start to get heavy. it's gonna be a long day I think to myself annoyed.

~*time skipp*~

After class I walk to my locker to grab my other books I get all the stuff I need for the next class and start walking then I see max he's talking with his friend bralon. He glances over at me and turns to whisper to bralon I wonder what he's saying..but I don't think much of it so I just smile and keep walking my next class is English. I set my stuff down in class and walk the halls and decide to stop at my locker to grab some gum. When I open my locker a small note falls out I bend down and pick it up

Find me at the park after school I'll be there I wanna talk ;) -max

I wonder what he wants to talk to me about.... does he like me back or does he just wanna normaly talk. I keep walk back to class when I get there I notice that max is I'm this class I walk up to him and ask about the Note "hey what up with the note in my locker?" " oh that....." he says with a goofy smile on his face, he reaches his hand up to my cheek and slightly coresses it
"I'll tell you after school princess" I look into his deep blue eyes I'm blushing soo hard I probably look like a tomato "ok-kay" I manage to stutter out, what is he doing? he's acting weird more than normal. He takes his hand off my cheek and I speed walk to my seat still red in the face and quickly sit down right before the teacher walks in and starts the lesson.

*maxes P.O.V*

After class I walk up to my friends trenton,parker, bralon, Spencer, and tommy (not Wesley's brother)
Tommy's supposed to be suspended for 2 days for pantsing people In the halls, dumbass reason to get suspended tbh.
But he is waiting to get sent home, first day back and already suspended. we made a bet that he'll get sent home before the school day ends, speaking of betts.......... "hey max did you start it with her yet?" Tommy askes "yeah she's already in love with me so it'll be easy to break her" I say with a grin on my face i open my phone and write it in my notes

Make her fall harder
Tell her i like her back
Date for less than a month
Get her into bed
Break her heart

"remember you have to do it it less than a month" trenton reminds me " yeah yeah I know" I roll my eyes and I see Wesley getting her stuff out her locker I turn to my friends and give them a wink and start walking behind Wesley and rest my hands on her hips and whisper into her ear " you're favorite persons here" I give her a light kiss on the neck and she chuckles softly I take My hands off her hips and step back going to the side of her " heyy maxipad" she says like I'm some damn thing you stick on you're underwear to catch blood. "Hey" I say back weakly smiling at her "you're acting more weird than normal like more touchy" she asks confused "maybe I realized how great you are" I awnser her God this girl is easy to fool.

*back to Wesley's P.O.V*

I swear something is so weird with him I really hope he likes me back. I say bye to max and start walking to class as he goes back to his friends why has he changed all of a sudden.. the thoughts keep going through my mind I just can't wait to see max at the park oo what if we make out in the slides, wait ew I need to stop I'm becoming obsessed like how Shae is with Joel eventhough it's kind of to late. The more I keep thinking about him the more I fall and I know he'll never hurt me cause he's too sweet he wouldn't hurt a fly.



(* authors note*) heyy I just started this story today and I used real people don't worry there my friends and gave me permission to do this.

. P.s sorry for the short chapter ill make it longer next time. <3333

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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