Chapter 1

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"Damn it! How do you always win?" Chuuya was furiously screaming at Dazai as he got beat in another arcade game.

Dazai and Chuuya were sitting in an arcade. The same arcade they had been in 7 years ago on their first duo mission.

"I always win..." Dazai leaned closer to Chuuya, their noses almost touching, "because I'm better than you!"

Dazai leaned away from Chuuya. Chuuya looked enraged over a simple game. He threw a punch at Dazai and Dazai quickly dodged it.

Once Chuuya calms down, he spoke through gritted teeth. "One more game. Loser pays for dinner. Deal?"


Chuuya got a competitive look in his eyes. That look was quickly washed away after Dazai kicked his ass in an arcade racing game.

"So where are we going for my dinner that you're paying for?" Dazai spoke in a teasing tone, looking at Chuuya's angry, disappointed face.

Chuuya was able to regain his calm, which was very out of character for him. "Where ever you'd like to go." He had only the smallest bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Sweet! I'll race you to that diner I always go to!"
"Damn it, Dazai!"

Dazai had bolted out of the arcade with Chuuya following closely behind with his usual pissed expression.

(213 words)

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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