Chapter 5

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"i remember her, do not worry," nahida assured the traveler. "i just need a fast reminder."

"she was the engineer in azar's god creation plan, however she was loyal to you. al haitham provided her the opportunity to give information about the balladeer's machine, which helped us defeat him quickly."

"right," nahida recalled. "according to the story, around the end, he finds someone and is very close to them and they have a happy ending. i'm assuming it's {name}. what was the status of their relationship?"

"i believe they're lovers," the traveler said. "or were. due to the alterations, i don't know if they're still together."

"with the balladeer being a puppet, it surprises me that he can love someone, let alone a human," paimon commented. 

"i can see where you're coming from," nahida said to paimon. "however, the main purpose of the balladeer erasing himself was so he would be able to reverse the death of the people he found close. his actions were out of extreme emotions and had no rationality. he also lost consideration for his own lover..."

"do you think that it's possible that they're still close and have memories of each other," the traveler asked.

"most likely not," nahida said. "because we didn't find anyone inside the machine, and the fact that he probably doesn't exist as the 6th harbinger anymore, the two of them probably never met."

"oh {name}," paimon said, tearing up. "that's... that's so tragic and sad. paimon is so sorry for her..."

"this is a lot of information to process," nahida said. "you should go take a walk to clear your head."

however, in the marketplace of the grand bazaar, the traveler finds the balladeer. 

"you've been following me all the way from the city. i'd have to be blind not to notice," scaramouche said. 

"'re right, we were following you," the traveler confirmed.

"uhh... have we met before? no we haven't met... but do you know me?"


"... i have no recollection."

"it's complicated, but i do know you."

"sorry but i can't just take your word for it," he replied, confused.

"i can prove it. you're a puppet."

he looked shocked, "i guess you do know me after all... that is not something i share with a lot of people."

"there is somewhere i want to take you."

"okay, but please let me deliver these goods to my boss first. then i'll come with you, okay?"


after bringing him to nahida, they began the process of relaying the information to scaramouche, who now went by "wanderer".

(a/n: for this story, i'll be sticking to using "scaramouche" in the future simply because it's 1) muscle memory at this point and 2) it's hard to get used to in a way because most people renamed him)

"i can show you the memories themselves, if you're willing," nahida offered the young man.

"i want to see them for myself. i want to experience my own transgressions," the wanderer said.

"even though it will cause your present self great mental anguish?"

"i'm just a puppet, with no heart and no name. there is nothing in this world for me to cling to, to fill the void within me... except maybe these sins that can never be undone."

if there is no heart, the traveler thought. how does he love {name} then? it's possibly just due to the fact that this isn't who he was before, but i'm quite curious.

"...very well. as you wish. traveler, please supervise him on my behalf."


the traveler, paimon, and the wanderer entered the domain, on a quest to regain the memories from his previous incarnation. as they traveled through, the traveler had a question come to mind.

"so... wanderer. by any chance, do you know a woman who goes by {name}?"

"{name}? huh... no i don't have any recollection," he said honestly. "i'm sure that memory will come up soon... that person's name sounds really pretty to me."

the traveler inwardly swooned: it's touching that even though he hasn't met {name} in this incarnation that he still seems to be warm toward her.

"do you want me to tell you who she is," the traveler asked.

"i mean... sure... there's no harm in that."

"you two were lovers."

"'were'? ... did she pass away as well," the wanderer asked, looking disheartened.

"no it's not that," the traveler said. "however, you two technically never met."

"... i see... what a shame," the wanderer said. "i'm curious to meet her. where did i meet her in my previous incarnation?"

"you'll see later on," the traveler assured him.

"it looks like we've arrived in sumeru," paimon said. "uh.. is that..."

"we have a very... special person who i hope will be of value to your plan," azar said.

that's when you walked out, following the assistant and stood in front of the balladeer. 

"this is {name}, our most skilled engineer. she's had training in fontaine, and i've recognized her talents so much that she's someone who has even programmed new additions to the akasha terminals."

"welcome," dottore said, shaking your hand. "i look forward to a fruitful collaboration."

"likewise," you said letting go, then looked at the balladeer. "i hope we can get along."

"hmph. when do we start," the balladeer said. 

"you seem impatient? you should know that becoming a god is far from a trivial affair," dottore said. 

"the biological transformation is a lengthy process," azar agreed with scaramouche. "as such, i too would recommend that we commence as soon as possible. in the event that a successful connection is established, his body will become permanently bound to the machine, and he will be unable to move independently of it."

"nothing worse than what i've been through before then, doctor?"

"you were the most resilient test subject i ever came across. thanks to you, i was able to garner a great deal of information."

"that was gracefully worded. ever wonder what they'd think if they knew that nothing matters to you apart from your crazy experiments?"

"i suggest you speak to me in a more respectful tone, scaramouche. the mere fact of your utility does not make you indestructible."

"so that's her?" the wanderer looked at the after-image of you that remained, seemingly trying to remember you somehow.

"yes," the traveler affirmed. "that's {name}. what do you think of her?"

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