" ~ Chino Moreno x Y/N ~ "

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It was 2000 something, you were at a deftones concert and was tired and sweaty from all of the jumping and rioting with people. The band sounded amazing and you didn't want to go home, you just wanted to be there forever, but unfortunately the show ended. Steph, Chi, Abe, Frank, and Chino went backstage after saying goodbyes and thank yous. Awe man. You didn't even get a drumstick or pick from Chino, Chi or Abe. This sucks. It didn't help since you were far back and couldn't even see any of the band members faces clearly.


You shouted ever so loudly, you wanted him to notice you. Everyone stared at you since it was... Ever so loudly.. Of course.. He peaked his head out and cane back out.

"Who said that?"

Chino asked, laughing.

"I mean, damn, that was loud."

Chino said, still laughing.

You soon realized what he just said and immediately raised your hand, everyone was leaving and the place got empty so he immediately noticed you and gestured for you to come closer to the stage. Once you were closer, he grabbed your arm to pull you up to the stage. He didn't say anything since he's pretty damn awkward, he put a pick from his guitar in your hand.

"Sorry, Couldn't get you a drumstick."

He said looking away while stepping back. He seemed a bit nervous, or something..

"Sorry? This is the best thing that ever happened to me! I.. I can't ever comprehend what's happening right now!"

You shouted while placing your hand on his arm. He moved his arm away, with a nervous smile. This act sort of made you upset, but you realized people DO have their boundaries.

"You.. Should get off this stage. Shows over."

He recommend as he walked away calmly and slowly. You were left with a guitar pick in your hands. Wow, that just happened. You thought. You got of the stage and walked out of the concert venue. God, it's so hot outside, even though it's night. You were ready to go home and praise the pick he had given you.

You'd sigh as you walk home. The leafs on the concrete crunched beneath you. You opened your hand up, it was uncomfortable. You soon realized the pick was in that fist you opened up. Ah! Your pick dropped. You stopped walking and leaned over to grab it. As you grabbed it, you heard leafs crunching. Is someone following me? You thought. You immediately got up and turned around. Chino?

"Aren't you that person I helped up stage?"

Moreno asked. Your mouth was opened wide.

"Why'd you come back?"

You'd ask. He didn't respond and took a long.. thin.. thicker on the top .. thing out.. A drumstick. (🤨) it was signed by Abe Cunningham! You'd gasp and immediately snatched it out of his hand. Ah! You felt his hands. He'd put his hand out, almost as he was waving.. But without his hand moving..? He quickly put his hand back down and back into his pocket. He turned around and walled away to a bar.. Or something.. Frick going home! You want to go to where he's going.

You sprint to the place Chino went in as you put the drumstick and pick in your pocket. You'd slow down as you get closer to the door. CReeAkkkk... Damn, it smells great in here! You thought.

"Who's this?" Chi wondered.

Chi? Is... You soon realized the whole entire band was in here. You'd turn red soaking wet, you were sweaty.

"It's this fan that is attached to me or something. Leave."

Chino stated as snapping his fingers.

"Chino, be nice to your fans.."

Ria Needs Deftones! (Ria's Story) Where stories live. Discover now