Chapter 2 | The one with the dramatic teenagers

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Will tried hard to contain his glee hearing the dejection in the voice of the school's most notorious student, he failed miserably if Preston's scowl was any indication.

Clearing his throat, he spoke in an even and calm manner – "Alright, Mr. Beckett that is all for now. You may leave and go on about your schedule. The list of your tasks along with the addresses of the houses you have to perform them in will be sent to you via email. Have a good day."

"Whatever, Prin- Mr. Stone."

Preston's hand touched the doorknob, he plastered a smile on his gorgeous face before turning it. Fake it till you make it. He was ready to walk his hall of fame.

A flock of people gathered and their multiple words around him as soon as he stepped outside the principal's office.

"Damn Preston, you were awesome out there!"

"Aaron had it coming for a long time."

"What did Princey say?"

"About that-" Preston began only to be cut off by a bizarre question from one of the students in the crowd.

"Did you get expelled?"

Everyone present gasped in shock.

"No no no no no!" Preston flailed his hands around as if the action would ward away the words that hung in the air. "No guys, I am not expelled. It will be a month of community service and I am a free bird again."

The faces of girls and guys twisted in confusion, one of them courageous enough to ask the outrageous – "That's it? Princey left you at that."

Preston glowered at Bonnie. Was she not happy? "Yes," he curtly replied. "And we will not call Princey 'Princey' from now on."

"We should not be calling Princey 'Princey?' That's...weird," a voice from the crowd mused. 

"No, it is not. We call him by his proper name now."

"I thought Princey was his name." It was Nate, a sophomore who joined their school at the beginning of this semester.

"No, Nate. His name is Will Stone, so we will call him Mr. Stone."

"But why?"

Preston groaned out loud noticing the curious eyes of his fellow students. He was exasperated.

"Because we have already harassed him enough and-" he lowered his voice before continuing "I saw a gray hair on him."

Another round of gasps rang around the hallway.

Teenagers are so dramatic. Drama clubs in schools might as well be there only to help them brush up their skills. Despite all the drama they carry in their backpacks, teenagers are the most talented. All of us agree as we lived adolescence too. The teenage years are the most prominent time to explore yourself and learn the biggest lessons of life. If you failed to learn those lessons, then as Carol Burnett said - "Adolescence is just one big walking pimple."

Preston hated displaying theatrically exaggerated reactions, yet he mastered them; dramatics was one of the steps to the pedestal he was standing on. He would be heroized for even sneezing in a certain direction.

"All of you, to your classes."

The show is over, Preston thought bitterly and exhaled a frustrated sigh. Will just had to ruin his moment of glory. He rushed past the man to get to his next class. 

History II

He hated the subject as he loved it. Stories intrigued him when he read them on his own but bored him when the teacher started droning on, explaining a basic sentence to them like they were in fourth grade. The history teacher in their sophomore year was finer than their current one, she dropped in extra facts related to the topic and also spoke about side stories. That was the reason Preston signed up for History II and because anything to do with formulas traumatized him.

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