I was the one you said would never amount to anything. I was the one you sought to kill for his deformities. But I have risen above your beastly and fleshy desires and beliefs. For now, I am a king of an empire greater than you ever were or will be. Enjoy rolling in the filth of your fleshiness and savage "kingdom" while I and the knowledgeable ones endowed with reason will build a golden age for both the Valkyries and the Selenese as their king.
In our new age, we will come ever closer to embodying the eternal and immaterial forms in a barren material world. And for as long as my soul is trapped in this flesh prison, I will make this flesh prison for the souls of everyone of my kingdom more barrable until they can ascend to the pleroma from which those with divine souls came whiles those of the flesh return to the lesser god that created this physical world of imperfection.
And with the salvation of my kingdom in knowledge, there shall be no need for emotion and women except to breed the next generation on our path to the pleroma. For women are of little knowledge and led by the emotions and disgusting desires of the body. And in enlightening women with the masculine gift of knowledge, I will make them men so that they lost their sensual nature and become salvation through becoming men and become one with the pleroma and free from their sensual natures.
And my first act as king in the affairs of the commonwealth will be to abolish the Ver Tauc religion and depose the Patriarchs of Lunsaro and Amazonia for their veneration of the physical world. No more will the minds of the kingdom be poisoned with their physicality as the lives of the Patriarchs and their bishops will be tortured through extending their lives in their flesh prisons using the best technology and science we have to date. And I will also abolish their veneration of matter as it is disgusting to the pleroma and in their place bring out their spiritual practices that their souls may be saved through knowledge.
-Prince Darius Addressing his father Odin and the Selenese People
And after his address to his father and to the Selenese people, even the Christian, Corvinist, and Ver Tauc pagans, although they never got along smoothly in Selenese society, they finally came to an agreement on one thing. They all hated prince Darius who was calling himself king. And even the Elves who had become averse to conflict since the end of the Selenese civil war began to become bold once the Valkyries had vandalized their heritage.
And amongst the Elvish heritage that was vandalized was San Saerwen cathedral which in their own Elvish language was the name Saerwen for the Mother of God. The Valkyries had looted the cathedral and burned the fabrics to collect the gold and silver and other precious metals and had prostitutes perform sex rituals on the altar housing the relics of the greatest saints of the Elvish kingdom. For not even the Ver Tauc pagans when they once ruled the Selenese queendom committed such a sacrilege. And to add further insult to injury, prince Darius had all the statues and icons destroyed that had been there since the 1100s and had them replaced with statues and pictures of himself with all the crosses removed and replaced by the flag of the Valkyrie nation. And to top it off, prince Darius had San Saerwen cathedral remained to "the temple of reason".
And in the southern valleys of the Confederate People's Republic of South Selene lived the Nymphs, who had once lived a peaceful life farming agriculture and developing natural resources, had become enslaved to the Valkyrie system. The Valkyries built upon the once beautiful meadows and farmland industrial factories to build their war machines as food production fell as the Nymphs began to starve. And for those the Valkyries deemed most beautiful, they were taken to be slaves or to be exotic prostitutes for their masters' pleasure.
And knowing that the Nymphs had powerful nature magic closely linked to the health of the natural world around them, prince Darius strategically place his industrial centers in their natural home. For he knew that because of their bodies being so sensitive to the health of the natural world, he could make them too weak to fight back with no Valkyrie having any resistance to magic.
It seemed as though the only place that was not touched in neither the Confederacy of South Selene nor the Selenese Empire was the province of Amazonia, because the Valkyries deemed it too cold and useless to do anything with. But such is the nature of Amazonia, forgotten to eventually become the destroyer of those who refused to acknowledge it. And for such was the case again. The diplomatic mission to the Tanuki clan, Kitsune clan, and the Szolsura were a success. And through the Valkyries' neglect of Amazonia, the means to destroy them by Amazonia's icy waters had arrived. And from the Kitsune clan came the means for the Confederacy of South Selene to rebuilt Ironhenge, and with it, make the Valkyries' orbital supremacy utterly worthless.
Isis's Oversight
It appears Darius has fallen under the pride spell I placed on his defenseless heart. He is so pathetic that he couldn't even control himself over the simplest temptations. And he is doing so well bringing death and destruction into the Selenese world. After all, I'm going to need that powerful kingdom destroyed if I am to rule the world recreated in my own image. And I'd rather have someone else die in vain on my behalf as I reap the rewards for their labor. Valkyrie pride is so easy to exploit.
But by their pride I have some of the fuel for the most potent Dark magic. And through the Valkyrie's pride and bloodshed, I will increase in power. And with this increase in power, I will destroy the crippled Selenese kingdom so that they will never in the future threaten my reign. Now to exploit Darius even further while he's still useful and whispering sweet nothings into his ears.
-Isis's monologue to herself
Did you know this?
Gnosticism: With prince Darius speaking in a dichotomy of the fleshy ones and the reasonable ones, he is speaking in an inherently Gnostic matter and speaking of knowledge almost as if knowledge were a sort of god and the means of salvation. This is very similar to Gnosticism that believed in two different kinds of people, people of the flesh/body who were already damned and those of gnosis/knowledge who are destined for salvation through secret knowledge.
The Dark Mage
FantasyFollowing the events of the Selenese Civil War, the fox queen has called friar Victor back to his homeland. Something ominous has returned causing a deep fear that shattered the fox queen's pride. Reason for Mature Rating and Trigger Warnings: Occas...