Chapter 1

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Knock knock knock...

"Who is it?" Asked the firm manly voice behind the door. Oh how i hated that voice.

"Flora Breeze sir you call for me." I answered calmly.


I enter the room as ordered. This was a quite large room compare to my office and behind the computer was a short man in his late forties, his head was absent of any hair and his bear clearly needed to shave. Don't be wrong, I am not a judgemental person but this man had the ability to pull out the bad in her.

"Good morning sir." I greeted to the man who still didn't acknowledge her presence.

"Flora." He didn't look at me " You know hype corporation right." I nodded.

Everybody knows hype corporation, it is the biggest and worldly known K-pop industry, they hardly not to say never fail especially any competition or award nomination especially their little star Sik-K, the king of rap and the certify third most handsome man in the world. She used to have a crush on him, she still does tho.

"I am sure you know about Sik-K, their main soloist." Again I nodded. "Well, the company faces certain difficulties dealing with him, so you will be send to handle that troublesome young man."

"Excuse me sir but they are located in Korea?" I asked confuse.

"Well I didn't know." He said with a tone full of sarcasm while rolling his eyes, I resisted with all my might the urgent need to slap his eye out of his eyeball but afterwards I needs this job. "You will take a plane tomorrow very early in the morning to Seoul and from there hype is going to tell you how to proceed." I nodded.

"You can leave mrs. Breeze." I rapidly left the office having the urge to get away of this annoying man.


That's why I hate so much my boss, how could he do such a huge plan without informing me before! Despite how experienced i am, i have never deal with any K-pop idol but now I won't be dealing with any any idol but Sik-K himself. Thank God she choose learning Korean over Japanese cause Japanese is a way to difficult otherwise I was done.

Also, i have never deal with a celebrity on who I have a crush, for Godsake I usually barely knows about the celebrity involved but I have always love K-pop and Sik-K has always been her celebrity crush. Anyway I would never ever break my first and most important rules "No unprofessional relationship with her client." It is this strict rules that brought me where I am today, the star saviour, cause she has deal with the most difficult celebrities and not only save their reputation but safe them from themselves and I won't throw all that hard work by the window for a man.


As mr. Brewelle said by 6am two guards were already by door, they were quite gentleman and help me carry my luggage and drive me to the airport. Eventually, I travel in first class, those are advantages of dealing with celebrities, you got certain rich people facilities. The trip was long, probably the longest trip I ever did but I didn't care, this gave me an opportunity to rest cause I knew as soon my feet will touch the Korean ground, I won't be having any rest again.

After a lot of sleep and Netflix show the plane finally landed. I quietly left the plane and outside two impressively build and super tall men approach me.

"Good morning madame are you mrs. Breeze?" One of them politely ask.

"Yes may I know who you are?" I ask a little confuse, they were really intimidating.

"We are bodyguards send by the hype corporation to escort you to the company." I didn't know if i could trust these man and seeing my hesitation, one of the titan show me a voice note of my manager instructing me to follow these men and I reluctantly follow the man.

The drive was long and that permitted me to admire the beauty of the city Seoul. Being in love with K-pop and k-drama visiting Seoul has always been my number one dream and as predicted the city was marvellous so much cleaner and prettier than Newyork. After a long drive the car was park in front of a really tall glass building. This must be hype corporation. The company was super clean and classy and everybody was so polite and professional creating a peaceful and very nice environment to work.

I went straight to the top as assign by the receptionist where apparently mr. Jiwon was already waiting for me. The security here is extremely tough and it actually took me so long to arrive to the top floor, I guess it is necessary with all the sasaengs here they should be careful about who enters and leave the company. I finally arrive the said room and as the receptionist said a man was already waiting for me. They are so punctual... I internally sigh waiting for the endless scream and insult about how a person of my class shouldn't made a person of his class wait but instead a warming smile appear on his face.

"Mrs. Breeze right, I'm quite early please have a seat." I frown, no insults and he doesn't treats me like am some rats. Guess maybe just my boss the problem. "I have heard a lot of your good deeds and I couldn't wait to see you myself!" He said happily.

I didn't know exactly what to say or how to react so I stay quiet...

"Anyway, excuse me but Sik-K won't be present today, I would be straightforward with you, I don't know  where he is, no-one does and that's why you are here, I bet you know how K-pop industries are strict with their idols, from the diet to the strict schedules and the strict fandom. Sik-K is a complete mess he doesn't cares about rules, he in fact doesn't cares about anything." Indeed Sik-K doesn't cares about anything just by seeing the tattoo decorating the idol body, the fact he openly smoke and other wrong things he does it is pretty clear even to the world, Sik-K could careless about the K-pop industries rules. But again that's where his charm comes from.

"If I am not rude, may I ask why haven't you stop the contract yet?" That's one thing here in Korea, the slightest mistake or error and you are disband, so many K-pop groups has been disbanded before even seeing a potential rise so Sik-K is hugely privileged.

The manager slightly laugh "Mrs. Breeze, you and the whole world knows the notoriety Sik-K has despite his bad attitude his fandom is so large almost everywhere in the world, his is a huge source of money and if I dare let him go for a minute others company won't hesitate to catch him." He sigh " and that Sik-K knows explaining his endless bad actions , plus I dont like disbanding group/soloist cause they work so hard to archive their dream I think that's kind of cruel, so here we are, if you don't catch up Sik-K quickly I'm afraid he will commit that fatal mistake despite his notoriety will completely ruin his image and he will turn to a zero." I nodded, mr. Jiwon is actually a very kind man contrary to my boss I think it will be a pleasure working with him.

"Since your stuff are already in your the car you will be escorted to Sik-K house at once and be free to make yourself comfortable he knows you're coming." What?!

"Pardon me sir you said will I be staying in Sik-K house?!" I exclaim slightly raising my voice out of shock.

"Yes..." he looked quite confuse "your boss was suppose to tell you this information... anyway I will call him. Sorry for the inconvenience but according to the contract you will live with Sik-K as long as you stay in Korea and also follow him in any major/minor displacement he has." First of all i didn't like the idea of seeing him only during my work hours but seeing 24/24..?? "Are you ending the contract? I am really sorry bout the inconvenience but this was suppose to be your boss job to inform you not mine..." mr. Jiwon looked quite distress thinking I would end the contract but I couldn't do this to this kind and welcoming man.

"It's okay sir I would... adjust." I said trying mostly to assure myself than him.

"Thank you mrs. Breeze, guards are waiting for you down where you shall be brought to Sik-K house have a nice night."

"Thank you sir."

Why walking back to the car I kept repeating to myself the key rules "no unprofessional relationship with my client, never!"

I know Sik-k sucks as idol name but didn't want to stress much bout his name.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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