The Descent

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"This is what is best for him!" A blonde man shouted, but all Elizabeth could see of him was his back and his longish blonde hair. In the words of Bonnie, however, it was a hot back and he had a British accent that had her experiencing all kinds of sinful thoughts. Facing him, and inadvertently Elizabeth, was Elijah, but he had long hair and medieval clothing on.

"No, it is not. How is Finn supposed to meet the one who bears our crest if he is daggered?!" Elijah argued and Elizabeth wondered who Finn was and then did a double take as she remembered Trevor said there were four Mikaelson brothers. Was he the fourth?

"If we don't keep him like this, he won't be alive to meet them. He'll die by his hands if we let him go free!!" The blonde argued and Elizabeth could see a flash of pain go over Elijah's face at this before he sighed.

"Very well, brother. We will keep him there until one of us finds her." Elijah agreed and the blonde relaxed his posture slightly. Next, Elizabeth's vision swam as she began to wake up.

Elizabeth shot up with a gasp and looked around her room. There was no one there, but the window was open and a soft breeze blew through it. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and opened it, her face going pale as she read the text Damon sent.

Black Cat: Trevor's bite came back and it's worse.

Lily Flower: what? How?

Black Cat: no idea, Trevor and Rose have no idea, either.

Elizabeth bit her lip and got dressed, thinking as she did so

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Elizabeth bit her lip and got dressed, thinking as she did so. Trevor had mentioned that Klaus wouldn't harm her while they were watching Empire Strikes Back and she wondered if she went looking at the information that Cody had, would she be able to ask for Klaus's help with Trevor?

She winced at that thought because only Elijah had promised Trevor wouldn't die by his hands, Klaus had made no such promises, and he wouldn't help Trevor because of his past betrayal. Then it occurred to her, what if she asked Elijah for help?

She hurried downstairs and saw that Jenna was going through a box full of documents.

"Whatcha doing that for?" Elizabeth asked and Jenna glanced up with mischief in her eyes.

"This is for that author I met yesterday. He's staying at the B&B just outside town. Would you run this to him?" Jenna asked and Elizabeth nodded, remembering how she was supposed to help Jenna yesterday and didn't. 

"Great, you'll like him. He's charming and easy on the eyes. His name is Smith, Elijah Smith." Jenna winked at her as she carried two boxes out to Elizabeth's car and Elizabeth carried the other two. After Jenna walked back into the house, Elizabeth wondered if Elijah Smith was the cover name Elijah was using.

If it was, then Elizabeth was in luck, she decided as she got in the car and drove to the B&B. When she got there, she got out and went into the office.

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