Feel better (Jisoo x jeonghan)

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He was sick, and has been sick for almost a month. Concerts got called off, recording sessions postponed, and everyone was worried.

All Jisoo wanted was a hug, but far to afraid to touch any of his members. He would force everyone out of his room the second the came in, only letting them stay for short periods of time. Jeonghan was basically assigned as his caretaker by the other members, him being the only one Shua wouldn't force away.

Joshua was laying in his bed, a heated blanket wrapped around him. He felt so comfortable in the blankets, sinking deep into the warm, soft bed. Two gentle knocks tapped his door, his voice far too weak to respond to it.

"Can I come in?" Jeonghan's voice. Jisoo smiled, his voice was dead, he could hardly make a noise at all. Jeonghan took the silence as a yes, gently pushing the door open. He was carrying a tray, sitting on it was Joshua's favorite meals. And of course, snacks. Jeonghan placed the tray on his end table, handing him a bottle of water, then sitting beside him on the bed.

"Hiya, your throat doing any better?" Joshua shook his head no, sitting up. He gestured for the tray to be brought closer. Jeonghan smiled, picking up the tray and sitting it on top of Shua's lap. The first thing Joshua did, was pick up the snacks, taking a little nibble out of the side.

"Your appetite coming back yet?" Joshua coughed, quickly turning away from Jeonghan.

"Yea... A little" he muttered, voice deep and hoarse. His words trembled, pretending to be okay, trying to hide how horrible he's feeling. Jeonghan's hand quickly found its way to Joshua's forehead, feeling over it.

"You're burning up, Jisoo" Joshua simply nodded, knowing he's had a high temperature for weeks.

"Is there anything I could do for you?"

Yes, of course there is. But... The risk of two sick members was far too high.

"Uhh... Yes. But I don't wanna get you sick..." Putting words together in his head was insanely difficult, speaking them nearly felt impossible.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of you if you like it or not" Joshua smiled, tapping the tray of food, then pointing to the table. Jeonghan nodded, moving the tray off.

"Could we just... Cuddle? like... Platonically... 'Just wanna hug you" Jeonghan smiled, climbing under the blankets with Joshua. His arms opened, waiting for shua to fill them.

"Hey, it's okay. I won't get sick. If I do, then we can just be sick together " shua smiled softly, though still not filling Jeonghan's arms. Han sighed, giving up. Jisoo quickly found himself getting cuddled by the older, wrapped up in his warm embrace.

The two have always had a... Complex relationship, to put it simply. They always hug with Jeonghan's hands on Joshua's waist or ass, and they're hugs always lasted forever. The playful "attempts" at kissing his cheek usually leads to him actually kissing Jeonghan's adorable little face. The two have cuddled before, not Infront of cameras, not pressured by fan service to do it, they just wanted to.

Everything about this situation melted Jisoo's heart. Jeonghan, his best friend, would risk making himself sick just to cuddle him. His arms felt even warmer then he remembers, probably because they haven't held each other in they're arms for almost a month. They haven't even touched for a month. Joshua tried to keep his distance, to control his thoughts of wanting to hold Jeonghan. But... The look on his face when shua would hold him was a fate worse than death. so, Joshua let himself give in. He let the older stay a little longer everyday, then he started to bring him food instead of Seungcheol. Han was in his room for hours sometimes, talking about everything.

Joshua felt a gentle hand on his hair, carding through it and pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Don't wanna get you sick..." Shua muttered. His eyelids quickly fell heavy, sleep taunting his words. He could feel as his whole body quickly relaxed, falling limp in Jeonghan's arms. It was a struggle to keep his eyes open, though all Joshua would see when he opened his eyes was the fabric of Jeonghan's hoodie.

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