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"Cheers!" Said George as he took a big gulp from his beer. It had a fruity taste that he quite liked.
"I can't believe that tomorrow, we'll be back to Hogwarts," sighed his twin brother. Fred had always enjoyed summer while he could take a break from pranking other students and old janitor Filtz and enjoy pranking his own family.
"That's why we came here in the first place," replied George. "To drink muggle beer in a muggle tavern?"
"I guess so, mate."
The inn was crowded with muggles who were laughing, eating and drinking. It was always like that, but especially on Friday nights and weekends. In a starry night like that one, London looked beautiful, but this place was happy and cheerful in a way that made George somehow always return. The brothers were discussing how annoying Filtz was and how they would most definitely pay him back for all of last year's detentions with their newest pranks when a soft light was cast on the small stage with a seat in the middle. On the stage, climbed a bearded man with a beer in hand, who happened to be the inn's owner.
"Everyone," called the man louder than needed, "please welcome Marianne!"
Upon hearing that, everyone applauded and cheered among themselves. As everyone, the twins waited for that Marianne everyone was talking about. Their curiosity was rewarded once a girl about their age wearing a leather jacket climbed the short flight of stairs.
"For the record, I didn't intend to perform tonight, folks," the young woman said as she took her seat. "I were actually enjoying my beer until old Alec came to my table and you know how persistent he can be," she said jokingly and most of them laughed.
"So what are you going to sing, lass?" Asked a half drunk man in a strong Scottish accent. "I have time for only one cuz if I'm late again dad will kill me," she joked.
"I'd get started if I were you."
"Alright I'll sing..."
As Marianne scanned the room, her eyes locked with Fred, who averted his gaze, immediately regretting doing so. Marianne smirked.
She turned back to the man and said, "I'll sing whatever those ginger boys in the back want to hear."
At that, everyone turned to the Weasley twins who, truth be told, we're caught by surprise. "So," a woman from that other table said, "what will it be, lads?"
Fred was smiling nervously as he turned to Marianne. "Do you know any ballads?" Marianne smiled sincerely yet somewhat sad as she said, "I do."

She was staring at her guitar when the owner's loud voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Then go on lass"
Marianne checked the guitar was tuned before beginning with a soft tune.
"There's a legendary school up in the Highlands... I've heard stories of adventures up there..." George: "Wait..."
"And they sent letters out to students every summer..."
Fred: "Is she talking about ..."
"Inviting them to feel the magic in the air..."
Both George and Fred turn to each other and at the same time whisper, "Hogwarts?" "And it's filled up with fantasies and dreams come true..."
"No fucking way, mate," said Fred.
"Once you're there, you'll feel that you've come home... They say those people are the loveliest you'll ever meet"
As if having heard them, Marianne sang the last words looking straight at Fred. "Yes, we all love that castle made of stone."
People cheered and clapped as Marianne got ready to leave. Fred and George though were stuck in place, staring at one other, trying to figure out whether or not they'd been right.
It was too random to be a mere coincidence, Fred thought. Not to mention the knowing way with which she'd looked at them.
"Okay people, it's getting late"
"Come on, lass," called the inn's owner.
"You know I must go, old man."
"Are you coming tomorrow?" He asked.
"Good night, Alec," she dismissed him and turned to the door. "Wait!" George called. The woman turned around, somewhat amused. "You heard me, Ginger. I must go"
"About that song..." George walked rapidly with Fred following. "Yes?"
"I haven't heard it before"
"Yes, that's because I wrote it," she noted and turned the doorknob.

"And how do you know about the school?"
Marianne raised one eyebrow.
"I— I mean, is it real?" he clarified
"Umm, I really must go," she repeated, and this time she really did walked through the exit.
She had, though, intrigued the twins and so they followed her. George called once again for her to stop but instead she charged faster, not quite running, but neither was she walking casually. Maybe they'd scared her, George thought. However, they might have not, and that was exactly why they kept following her. She might know something after all.
They both strode quickly towards her, but as they turned the corner and should have been within arm's length, she was gone.
The brothers looked at each other confused. As they were about to teleport back, the inn's owner was at the door, scolding them for leaving without paying.
"Come on, Freddie," George said after paying the man. "We have a long day tomorrow."
Marianne POV
I closed my eyes and rested my head against my bedroom's door. Damn. "That was close," I sighed.
Hello there! I am going to continue this story like this and I hope you enjoy it. I promise you your eyes won't hurt from grammar and punctuation mistakes but they might from the amount of times I'll spell Hogwarts wrong.
Btw, the song I found from a TikTok creator. I suggest you hear it cuz it gives life to the whole song.
Song credit to @miggie_snyder
That's all for now, xoxoxo
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