Lo'aks Fury

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As Lai'ra walks to her Marui she spots Ao'nung sitting on the shore by himself. She quickly wipes her tears as a surge of anger flows through her. She saunters up to him and as he turns his head towards her, he's met with a hard slap in the face.
"How could you do this to me, you fucking fake ass piece of shit?!" Lai'ra yells as she jumps on top of him, slapping him over and over again. "You were supposed to be my friend, my brother, and you betrayed me!" She continues to lash out, hitting him with all the anger and frustration she's been feeling since she found out about their betrayal.

Ao'nung tries to defend himself, but Lai'ra is beyond reason. She pulls his hair and scratches at his face, fueled by her hurt and betrayal. "You don't get to explain yourself! You don't get to talk!" She screams, tears streaming down her face as she rains down blows on him.
It takes a few moments for her to calm down and realize what she's doing. She slowly gets off of him, breathing heavily as she looks down at the broken man beneath her. She knows that nothing will ever be the same between them. Ao'nung lays there crying, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Lai'ra! I didn't mean for it to go that far!" He whimpers as he rubs his cheek. Lai'ra leans down and looks him in the eyes. "Did you fall in love with Neteyam?" She hisses through gritted teeth.

Ao'nung's tears continue to fall as he nods his head, "I... I did. But Lai'ra I never meant for it to happen, I just couldn't help the way I felt. It was wrong, and I'm sorry for hurting you." He whispers. Lai'ra's eyes narrow and she viciously grabs his throat, squeezing tightly. "Of all the fucking people, you had to take what was mine, MINE! You preyed on him, you sick fuck. You saw how vulnerable he was after coming here and you fucking jumped at the opportunity for some new dick. I fucking hate you Ao'nung." She snarls, her eyes growing darker and menacing.

Ao'nung gasps for breath as Lai'ra's grip tightens around his throat. "I'm sorry," he chokes out, "I know I messed up. I know I hurt you and I don't expect you to forgive me. But please, Lai'ra, please understand that I never wanted to hurt you. I just... I just couldn't help it, he's so beautiful." Lai'ra's grip loosens slightly, but her eyes remain filled with anger and betrayal. "You should have fucking helped it," she spits out. "You should have fought against it instead of thinking with your dick. You knew how much he meant to me... how much I loved him, and yet you still went behind my back. You're a coward and a traitor, Ao'nung." Ao'nung looks up at her with tear-filled eyes, knowing that there is no excuse for what he's done. She releases him from her grasp, gets up and begins running to her Marui.

"Lai'ra no! Wait, please matsmukit!" He chokes out as he stands up, trying to catch his breath. Lai'ra doesn't turn back. She keeps running until she reaches her Marui and goes inside. She stands there for a few minutes, trying to calm down and collect herself. She knows that she needs to figure out what to do next, but her mind is racing and she can't think straight. She puts her face in her hands and begins to sob. "FUCK! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? Am I not allowed to feel happiness, Great Mother? What did I do to deserve all of this?"She wails through muffled sobs as she sinks to the floor.

"Oh no, baby girl? What's going on?" Lai'ras eyes shoot up to see Lo'ak in the doorway. He rushes to her and holds her in his arms. She buries her face in his chest as she clings to him. "Ao'nung..." She whispers. Lo'aks eyes widen and he chuckles, "Wait, you did that to him mamas? He was looking rough, when I saw him on my way here." A big grin spreads across his face as he squeezes her tighter. Lai'ra looks up at him and sighs, nodding slowly. She takes a deep breath and slowly pulls away and sits across from him. She takes a moment to look at him. "Damn love, YOU look rough today." She giggles as she wipes the remaining tears off her face. Lo'ak chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, I'm hungover as fuck. I'm sorry if I acted like an idiot last night." He shakes his head and rolls his eyes at himself. All of sudden Lai'ras met with a sharp twinge of guilt, she knows she has to tell Lo'ak about what happened with Neteyam. She didn't want to keep the circle of lies going. She gets up and lays down on her bed and pats the space next to her motioning for him to join. He smiles and quickly lies next to her. Lai'ra gazes up into his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Lo'ak, there's something I need to tell you." She whispers as her brows furrow up at him.

Intimate Betrayal (Neteyam X Female OC X Lo'ak)Where stories live. Discover now