* eight *

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it was the night of connie's party and EVERYONE was there, it was so many people and who knew connie was this popular "how many shots you had?" connie looked at me wiping the stained lipgloss off of my chin, i shrugged "i think two, ian really feelin' it though", "and you gotta slow down coràzon who's gonna drive y'all home tonight ? unless you wanna stay with me"

"if i get too drunk , i'll stay springer" i grabbed some chocolate covered strawberries from the treat table, i spent almost two hours preparing the party and we ain't gone talk about how much i spent on it "yo , what's up connie" a lightskinned boy came over and dapped connie up with a short darkskin girl following behind him "wassup vee, hey gia" connie spoke to them, the girl waved but my presence didn't go unnoticed by the boy.

"wanna introduce us ?", "oh yeah my bad, this is my girl y/n, y/n this is gia and vee" i waved at them making them speak back, i grabbed connie's face bringing him down to my height "imma go find teyla, i gotta keep a eye on her" he nodded "for sure mama, do your thing"

once i made it over to teyla , i saw her sitting in the corner alone "you not gone enjoy the party teyla mae ?", she grunted folding her arms "no, i can't- i had mad shots though, still can't seem to enjoy the party", "if you and eren gone act like this at my man party, y'all need to talk it out- at least make amends, be cool, y'all have the same friend group the vibes can't be salty all the time."

"the nigga been eyeing me all night, he looks good i guess- i'll talk to him i promise, but i need more liquor in my system" she kissed my cheek and walked away where eren was at the drinks, connie came over sitting beside me, before he could sit down people were dapping him up, waving at him, speaking to him and everything. "yo, where's blondie and lai?", "probably fuckin', you know how they are buzzie."

"heyyy connie" a short latina came over, she had long hair with big lashes and a dress on "yo" connie spoke back leaning back in his chair, i stared at them conversate cause this bitch was rude enough to come over here and just speak to connie like she don't see me. "you busy toni-", "yes he is, thank you enjoy his party" i smiled at her shooing her off, connie looked at me "i wasn't flirting with her, i know that's what you thinkin' pretty", "ion care, she was rude."

"they know we got somethin' going on mama, you don't gotta worry i got it covered" he kissed my cheek, i rolled my eyes taking another shot, i was only a little tipsy but if i kept goin' i was gonna be staying with connie tonight.

"you gotta slow down mariposa" he laughed at me grabbing the cup from me and lifting me up to take me upstairs "where we goin' ?" i asked him wrapping my arms around his neck "to my room, we gotta get you away from the drinks or you're not gonna stop-", "its yo birthday, why you not drinking and partying ?" connie smiled at me sitting me on the beanbag "this is fun for me, if you can't tell bebita- i thank you for the party for sure but you just dont seem like you're havin' fun, what's up with you?".

"my parents said we gotta move away soon 'cause levi got a new job so-", "like how far ? why you didn't tell me earlier coràzon ?" he stared at me, he didn't really speak to me with anger in his voice but i can definitely sense the vibe "because i was still tryna accept it con, you know i was gone tell you eventually", "were you really though ? 'cause i bet everybody else knew"

"no, my friends knew- what, you mad ?" i got up sitting on his bed so we could be face to face, he threw his head back fixing his hat whispering something under his breath "dios, me estàs matando", "of course i'm mad , yo you told all of ya friends so i'm guessin' you told eren and blondie too but made them keep it from me", "first off, i didn't make them keep anything- i said to them they can tell you if that's what they want but i would rather say it myself, ion even know what you mad for nigga i'm tellin' you now!"

"y/n, tellin' me now don't make it better- when do you leave ?" connie got up standing in my face, "i leave in two weeks", "two weeks ?! forreal ? and tellin' the person who you're talkin' to that you're gonna be movin' away this late is cool ?" i sighed grabbing my stuff , i wasnt about to argue with him either he accepts it or i'm done discussing the whole thing.

he grabbed my arm sitting me back on the bed "i'm not finna go back and forth, accept the shit connie, it don't even gotta be this serious", "nah this is hella serious, fuck imma just accept this shit for ? you movin' away l/n" he scrunched up his face rubbing his hand up and down his tatted arm, i groaned, i really wasn't tryna do this right now.

"you brushing it off like its okay, long distance is not easy kid", "and i know it ain't but if we bout to be arguing literally two days before i dip is not gonna make it better" i looked up at him making him sigh deeply "we wouldn't even be arguing if you didn't choose to do the most dumbest shit and tell me at the last minute!", "alright connie whatever, enjoy your party i'm out make sure my friends get home and we good"

"yeah whatever"

lovers/: c. springerWhere stories live. Discover now