Chapter 7

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Bakugo was extra angry today. He was piss at the middle school extras and now the high school extras won't leave him alone wanting to know why he was called to the principal's yesterday and why he never came back. On top of all of that the caterpillar was still out today as well. The morning went on and soon it was lunch.

" I sear pinky if you don't stop asking me I'm going to set an explosion off in your face."

"Fine be that way, I'll figure it out eventually." Pinky pulled out her phone and started fiercely typing away.

"If you pull Icy Hot  and his lame ass conspiracy theories into this I'm going to murder you both!"

"He thinks it has something to do with why Midoryia never came back." I stand up and slam my hand on the table.

"That's it I'm leaving!" I get up and storm my was out of the cafeteria.

"Way to be such a party pooper!" Pinky yells back at me.

I start heading back to the classroom to get some peace and quiet when my phone goes off.

Fingers: Dude the police are here at my school! I didn't think they would actually take the investigation seriously!

Bakugo: You attack a hero student and left him for dead what did you think was going to happen!

Fingers: No one cared about that deku in middle school."

Bakugo: HE'S NOT THE SAME DELU HE WAS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! Stop texting me, I don't want anything to do with your fucking ass.

I turn off my phone and make it to the classroom I go to my desk and put my head done, a hundred percent done with this day already.


"Thanks Recovery Girl." I say though a yawn.  Everything feels so much better, now I feel ready to sleep for the rest of the day.

"Your welcome Dearly, I would tell you to stay out of trouble but it just seem to find you." I nod my head as my eyes start drifting close.

"Problem Child you need to stay awake for now, you can nap once we get back to UA." Mr. Aizawa helped me to sit up and get off the bed. We make our way oot for the hospital and into Mr. Aizawa's car.

The whole drive I was drifting into and out of sleep, I didn't remember getting back to UA or into my dorm, but here I am waking up in my bed. I swear sleeps after Recovery Girls healing are the best, they are dreamless and you wake up feeling like you just slept for 3 day's straight.

I look over at my alarm clock to see that it's 4pm, classes for the day are over and most of the class should be back to the dorm by now. I rolled over not wanting to get out of bed, afraid to face my classmates, do they know what happened? They probably are going to think less of me because I didn't defend myself and just let it happen? A knock on my door took me out of my spiraling thoughts.

I got up and opened my door to find Kacchan on the other side. " Let me in, nerd." He said as he pushed past me into the room.

He didn't push hard but I fell to the floor, I was shaking. "H-hey, K-ka-Kacchan, did you n-need s-something?"

He lets out a sigh and closes the door. He sits down on the floor in front of me, any anger that was in his expression was gone and was replaced with worry.

"Relax nerd, I'm not going to hurt you. I know what happened, not just on the weekend but what those damn extra did to you in middle school when I wasn't around." Some anger reappeared in his expression but this time I could tell it was towards my bullies and not me.

"I thought I was protecting you by not letting them hurt you, by being your main bully. Maybe I did a little, but I guess it still happened when I wasn't around. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you better."

I was shocked. Never did I expect Kacchan to say sorry nor did I know he was trying to protect me this whole time. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to react.

"I regret what I did, because I guess I was never really protecting you, but causing you more harm."

"Kacchan, I..." I sat in shock, Kacchan was never one to say sorry for anything, so many thoughts running through my head it was hard to keep them straight and I ended up getting lost in them. Suddenly I felt warm hands on my cheeks wiping something wet, was I crying?

"But it's all true, I am useless and weak. I only think I was good at being a punching bag or quirk testing. If it was helping you be stronger than at least I was good for something." The tears were pouring down my face now.

"Izuku, that's not true."

"It is! Even they were right! I cheated my way in here, I would have never been allowed in here with All Might's quirk, I don't even deserve All Might's quirk, I can even use it right!"

I feel Kacchan grab me and pull me into a hug but I can't react, I'm crying heavily and struggling to breathe when suddenly I'm back on the rooftop with All Might telling me I can't be a hero without a quirk.

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