Chapter 2

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Another day of the spring semester was set to begin and Cassandra was already awake at five am to go for her usual run around the campus. The way the sun rised and the rays of light beamed through the enormous sycamores, which were planted across her path, combined with the chills that creeped on her bones occurred by the cool spring breeze, always made her feel at peace. It was no longer than a month she'd been on the campus that she discovered a secret spot where she spent half an hour every day to meditate, just breathing in and out. It helped her a lot to cope with her anxiety attacks that striked every once in a while especially before finals or a big game but she never dared to say a word to anyone. It was something she had to deal with since she was a kid. The feeling that her heart is gonna jump out of her chest, her palms are non-stop sweating and her breathing becomes uncontrollably shaky while tears start running down her cheeks was a situation she was used to but couldn't come to explain. It was only when she was a junior at high school she discovered that she was suffering from anxiety attacks by accidentaly attending a seminar by a psychologist who visited their school to inform them about the various disorders a teenager might suffer from without even knowing. Well it's not like Cassandra's eating habits were the healthiest possible but she was never transfered to the hospital so it was fine. There was a good outcome from eating poorly also; her veins and abs were more noticable this way so she couldn't care less that she was eating a smoothie and a hard-boiled egg with a toast all day so she wouldn't collapse on the school hallways.

When she started studying in Columbia though she couldn't keep treating her system like she was some stray dog, cause her coach never missed to shout at her after practise that she's gonna faint from working this hard without having proper meals. Cassandra thanked the heavens for the inventor of protein powder at times like these. Just a scoop of whey protein with salted caramel flavour added in 250 ml of water was enough to boost her energy in the middle of the day so she replaced one of the most important meals of the day, lunch, with supplements. Oh how many times her and Alex fought about it...
- Come on Cas, that's not good for you and you know it damn well. You are much more clever than me and still doing shit that affects your physical health. What if your coach finds out? Or your parents... won't they be worried about you ?
- Okay doc enough with the medical report, I'm gonna be just fine like any other day so stop overanalyzing shit. If protein could cause that much of a harm, then they wouldn't sell it everywhere, would they now? And please for the love of God don't mention these fuckers to me ever again. I didn't come here to think more about them
- And by fuckers i assume you're refering to your parents am I right?                                         
  - No shit Sherlock, of course I'm talking about them. Anyway, enough about my crap family we should head to class we have not more than seven minutes left.                                
  - You know you can always talk to me about them, no pressure or anything, just so you know that I'm always here to listen to you. Even though there's nothing wrong with them from the few times I've met them the first semester when they came to visit they seemed like really nice people
- Yeah yeah tell me about it. Thanks for the pep talk Alex but i think i might pass this time again. I made it very clear from the first fucking day that I don't wanna talk about them and you shall never ask so let's drop it...

Conversations like these were made on a regular basis between the two but Alex never quit the attemps to make her secretive roomate talk about her past. Little did she know it was more traumatising than she could ever imagine and that the 5'7 brunnete girl was daily fighting the urge to collapse from all these years' sultry pressure and undying fear of disappointing her relatives if she quit one of the most elite universities in the globe.

So this day was like any other. Cassandra has just entered the dorm after an hour and a half running and meditating, when she found Alex still asleep under the bed sheets.
- Sleeping beauty I think it's time for your highness to wake up beacause we have a class to attend if you might
- Five more minutes baby please, i slept poorly last night cause i was studying this dumb criminal law theory we're gonna be tested today. You're ready for the test Cas? 
   - Get your ass up princess and don't "baby" me, we've got a long day ahead of us. Also yeah i went straight to the library after football practise so i wouldn't disturb you. I think I'm ready it's not like this is gonna be difficult or something. Just basic stuff. Now get up it's getting late                                          
  - Okay fine fine I'm coming. Oh also i forgot to mention I'm grabbing a coffe with Aliyah after first class will you join us? She's been non-stop begging me to introduce her to my roomate and I've been finding excuses cause your dumbass is an antisocial.                                       
   - Quick question who's that Aliyah girl? Is she a little annoying cousin of yours or something, cause if so then I'll pass.               
  - No idiot she's my childhood best friend, we both grew up in the Coachella Valley across the same street. Our parents were best friends and so are we. She's actually a year and a half younger than us and she's studying nursing like her mom and her older sister Mia did, who has already graduated I think          
- Mmh fine then I'll guess i join you i can grab an energy drink before practice. I'll go take a shower and prepare for class then

After both girls got ready and started heading to their first class, they crossed the main hallway. You can find any kind of person there, from the basic LA bitches and the rugby jocks to the edgy wannabe rockstars and drug addicts. With a bare eye none of them had a thing in common but that was until Cassandra stepped foot in the university cause now she was in the eye of the hurricane, and what a better hurricane than Felicity Andrews herself. The self-titled queen bee, daughter of the most vicious lawyer in the states, Jonathan Andrews himself, Felicity never had to fight for anything - it was so kindly given to her cause her daddy was the most powerful man in the room and donated thousands of dollars every year so his precious little girl could have any kind of special treatment in the campus. So obviously Cassandra was an enemy, a threat in Felicity's dark blue eyes; this girl came from fucking nowhere, she didn't have a right to destroy the empire she was so devotedly building. At first, Felicity tried to approach Cassandra but that didn't seem to work properly. She never in her whole life had faced rejection when the rebellious brunnete refused to hang out with her crew after class. But Felicity wasn't an easy quiter; she was going to make things turn out her way one way or another. When after a whole year trying she discovered that it wasn't this case with Cassandra Davis, she vowed to make her regret every day of her life stepping into the university and so when Cassandra and Alex caught her attention this morning passing by she didn't let the chance fly
- Well well how is my favorite couple of lesbos doing this fine morning? Are you ready to uproariously fail once again in the test today in Criminal Law?
- Speak for yourself bitch cause the only one who's gonna fail in this test is you, Alex rushed to shut her down
- Drop it Felicity good luck with the test and all, Cassandra shushed her roomate
- Davis what an honor, you decided to open your sealed lips for me. I shall take that as a compliment coming from a whore like you. Maybe you fancy me after all and fantasize me when you're hooking up with every dumb bitch you come across
- Listen Felicity even if you were the last person standing on earth with me I'd prefer to kill myself than to have to communicate with you and your dumb brain. So please drop it, it's just eight in the morning and we have a class to attend in ten minutes
- And what makes you think i care about a word you're spitting out Cassandra Davis? I don't speak with faggots after all, i can't even associate with someone so dirty like your species
- Oh so now you're talking about yourself in third person, okay good to know, my concolences your royal highness, must be tough to have a bipolar disorder, Cassandra backfired and grabbed Alex by her arm dragging her to the class.

After the first class passed by the duo headed to the cafeteria where they were supposed to meet Aliyah. But Alex's mind was still in their morning fight with Felicity while Cassandra was as unbothered as one could be.
- How can you even look so calm after the way she spoke about you? If I were you, I would have killed her then and there. You know what, no need for that i can gladly do it now if you ask me too. Just give me your permission and she's fucking gone for good
  - Relax princess, it's not that big of a deal. Not that i'll ever give a single fuck about what Felicity Andrews has to say about me. She's just mad her daddy hasn't bought her the new Porche yet. She'll come around it in a few hours... Anyway where's your friend sitting i can't quite find her in this place.   
    - Oh right. She's over there sitting in this huge circle of girls and boys in the middle of the cafeteria
- Quite popular isn't she? She's pretty though, so i get it. But what's the big deal about her?
- No, no Aliyah is nothing like that. She's the sweetest, most down-to-earth girl you'll ever meet. It's her sister Jenna that causes the fame. She's a massive actress, you've probably heard of her. Jenna Ortega is her full name, she has starred in a lot of big productions Scream V and VI, Ti West's X and her latest success is the Netflix series Wednesday directed and produced by the legendary Tim Burton. If you live under a rock and haven't heard any of that you must have come across her edits on Tik Tok she's been everywhere bro she's so hot for real
- Okay now i feel bad that i don't know this chick, I for sure have heard her name before but never seen her or anything. Oh by the way your friend just spotted us and she waving for us to head towards her way so we should probably get going...
And that's exactly what they did

Chapter 2 is up for you besties, i hope yall enjoy it, i just thought i should delay the upcoming meeting of Aliyah, Alex and Cassandra which is gonna change a lot in a Casssandra's life because Aliyah as yall know is sisters with a certain someone our oblivious Cassandra doesn't know...for now
Love, A-

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