Part 2 <3

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Yawning, Yn rubbed her eyes as you tried to shake off the exhaustion from getting no sleep the night before. You couldn't help but wonder about Jisung's words from their previous conversation as you got ready for the morning.

Today, you're class was going to a snow forest , not too far away from the Busan Ski Resort. You were excited to experience the snow and the winter scenery, hoping it would distract you from your tiredness. You packed your bag with extra layers and snacks, ready for a day full of adventure. As you boarded the bus, you couldn't help but notice Jisung sitting a few seats away. Why isn't he sitting with me today?

Then you remembered that your teacher told your class to sit according to boys and girls for safety as it was going to be a bumpy because of the snow. You tried your best to shake off your thoughts about what Jisung said, but his presence made it difficult for you. You decided to focus on the instructions given by your teacher and followed them accordingly. As the bus started moving, you held onto your seat tightly, hoping for a safe journey despite the bumpy ride.

Now, it was getting too much for you. You decided to have a conversation with yourself as you certainly couldn't take a nap, the bumps will disturb your sleep. "Nah coz I shouldn't even be thinking about you in that way" Does he lowkey like me? What was he thinking about.. Shush y/n he probably was thinking about a mafia story where you were the main character and died in.. But then again, he always tells me about the stories he makes... God this is so confusing. Maybe I should just ask him? No, then he'd think you're being too desperate and remove that 0.001% chance that he likes you.

All these thoughts were taking up your brain. And without you even realizing, your class has reached the forest. You take a deep breath and try to clear your mind, focusing on the beauty of the forest around you. As you walk, you begin to feel more at ease and decide to take a chance and strike up a conversation with him.

Heyaa, You say nudging him playfully. Hahah, hi shorty~ Jisung teased. Hey, as if you're any different. You say, rolling your eyes. And since you made the decision to ask him, you finally did. By the way, what were you talking about last night?


You said something and then you said Ms Seomin was calling you.

Ohh yeah about that- Jisung said , scratching the back of his head, looking the other direction trying to not make eye contact with you. This was the first time you saw Jisung , nervous. Apart from school stuff, you've never saw him nervous about something before.

Uhm t-that- Jisung began,

Kids gather up for attendance! Said Mr Jimshik

Jisung took a quick glance at you and join the other kids for attendance taking. What happened? Whys he acting like that, should I have never asked about that text?

Hey, c'mon why you spacing out? The teacher is calling you. Said Aira, pulling your arm.

You quickly snapped out of your thought and followed her.

After attendance, your classmates along with Jisung, ran to the place where there was much more snow and a more spacious place. You hesitated for a moment, wondering if you should join then or just stay back to avoid any awkwardness with Jisung. The last thing you wanted was him to be awkward and not have fun because of you.

Aira noticed your hesitation and dragged you to play as well, saying that you should spend the most of this trip. As you laughed and threw snowballs with the others, you forgot about the text and all that had happened and just enjoyed your time at the forest.

HEYYY STOPPP, HAHHAH! BY THE WAY YN, ILL GO TO THE WASHROOM ALRIGHT, I NEEDA PISS- Aira whisper-shouted to you, and you nod your head.

You were trying to find one of your friends to throw snowballs at when you realized you were lost. You briefly experienced panic. How do I return? You started feeling anxious and starting cursing at yourself for being so irresponsible and careless.

YN! YN! A voice called out for you and you found instant hope to get to that person, their voice sounded familiar. You turned around and saw Jisung rushing over to you. He had been trying to catch up with you for a while and was relieved to finally find you. Are you alright? You're not hurt anywhere, are you? Jisung asked, looking at you in worry.

N-no, I'm fine. You reply, feeling a sense of relief and gratitude towards him for finding you. You didn't know what you'd do if he didn't find you at the right time.

Jisung smiled at you, happy to see that you were safe. Let's get out of here before anything else happens, he said, offering his hand, ready to leave.

Jisung, Mustering up all your courage, you took Jisung by his arm and turned him around. You guys were now 6 cm apart. You looked up at him and asked. ...Do you like me?

First Kiss In The Snow | A Han Jisung Three-Shot | JxngmiwritesWhere stories live. Discover now