Let the game begin🥀

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Heyy guys thank you for the reviews and all kisses 🥰😚

Y/n POV:

I have a terrible headache right now can't remember what happened I opened my eyes blinking multiple times then it hit me

"No no no!!!" I tried to stand up I still feel Dizzy , where the hell am i? I looked around it's a little foggy here i can hear water running like we are next to a river or something I walked around it's a wreckage with some containers in it

"SAM?!"I shouted his name two times still nothing until..

"Y/N?! Where are you" his voice echoed through all the place but yet it seems like he is so far away

"I...I don't know !"
I kept on looking around ,the moonlight is lighting this place very well along with faint light from the lights in here

"Looks like you both are wide awake" I looked around its dean's voice his voice is so close yet so far
"Dean?..d..dean where are you?"sam shouted then we heard dean laughing like a maniac

"Now that you two are awake we can begin the game right? First I will tell you guys the instructions " i frowned what the hell does this mean?what game? What instructions?!
I got super confused and mad this whole thing is pissing me off

"Dean!what the fuck is going on?!what game you better stop this right now" I shouted from the top of my lungs he laughed again
"Aww sweetheart don't be mad it's just a game ~" I walked a little further I have to find Sam

"Now listen up ...you two should run away from this place find the main entrance and leave,don't even look back but at the other hand I'm going to walk around you guys have this opportunity to run away but if you stay or if I found you...first I will torture you then I will kill you ...so now let the game begin!!"

I'm totally shivering this can't be true this nightmare can't be true how am I supposed to leave this place without them?!without him ...
No I'm not going to leave I'm not going to let my family die , all I have to do is to find Sam then dean

With that I kept on walking here and there I picked an iron thing like a bat I guess

Sam's POV:

I'm so confused sometimes my vision gots blurry I shook my head and looked around me I have to find Y/n it's good I still have those handcuffs I'm happy dean didn't find them

Y/n's POV:

I looked around walking quietly I'm hella sure that Sam is doing the same plan as me , suddenly I saw a shadow from the corner of my eyes I turned around then I heard dean laughing lightly

"Oh come on it's like I'm  living in a horror movie "I mumbled to myself I saw a shadow again I think it's Sam  I walked faster towards it then I got face to face with him..our faces inches apart

"Hey there princess...it's look like you have lost the game" I gulped his breath is hitting my lips
I looked at his eyes he is smirking

"I wasn't planning to leave this place not without Sam and you" he rolled his eyes but then he grabbed my shoulders now looking serious
"Y/n , I'm giving you one more chance to leave you hear me?leave go and live a happy life " my eyes got full of tears then I put my right hand over his cheek caressing it

"Not without you...can't you see?!you are my life you and Sam ,you two are my family you want me to have a happy life?!fine then give up and come with us let us cure you " his eyes soften he then looked at my lips I closed my eyes and then I felt his lips on mine I was enjoying this until I felt a super sharp pain on my abdomen

"Ughhh" I shouted and looked at my stomach he stabbed me
"It's your own fault ..I gave you many opportunities but you didn't take it you see sweetheart I'm a demon and I can't change that I mean I don't want too " he threw me harshly on the ground damn it hurts like hell

"You know baby as I said before first I'm going to tortured you then I'm going to kill you " I tried to stand up but he stabbed my left leg I shouted even more I crawled further but then he grabbed my legs and turned me now he is sitting on me

"Ok ...let's see since I'm on a good mood I might just kill you let me think ...hmm..yes be grateful darling that I'm only going to kill you" he put his hands on my throat ready to choke me I tried to push him away but I couldn't

Sorry if this episode is too short but I'm going to upload another episode as soon as possible

Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions love ya all 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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